HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2023.3

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HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2023.3





  • Fixed issue when a deselected sensor with an I/O connection is still saved when saving sensors

  • Fixed Sensor Summary automatically records and changes signal group of a sensor if multiple signal groups are used

  • Fixed error popup blocking simulation startup when changing compiler options of the target from the target manager

  • Fixed incorrect line type display in the Schematics when importing certain PSCAD models

  • Fixed instabilities with the Python API resulting in failed imports for large PSCAD models

  • Fixed certain Python API functions returning errors as boolean instead of raising exceptions when exceptions are enabled

  • Fixed incorrect tooltip delays in the I/O Interface view

  • Fixed license request form using a wrong URL for license requests

  • Fixed RT-Monitor displaying incorrect performance values in Windows simulations

  • Fixed ScopeView not correctly opening .oprec files by double-clicking from Windows Explorer if the path contained spaces

  • Fixed ScopeView template using a wrong HyperWorks data source hostname if ScopeView was not started from the Ribbon

  • Fixed Export Project listing twice the sensor file if the default and current sensor files are the same

  • Fixed setting of values in TestView when the simulation is running

  • Fixed value of expressions displayed in subsystem

  • Fixed start simulation on RedHat when FPGA Scope is enabled

  • Fixed fetch signal group in FPGA Scope

I/O Interfaces


  • Fixed greyed-out directions in DIO for OP5369

  • Fixed simulation not resetting due to incorrect chassis ID


  • Added support for VLAN (802.1q) management

  • Added option to change message order for custom data frames

FPGA-Based Simulation

  • Improved FPGA-Based Circuit component to automatically load circuit if the last load is out of date with the Schematic Editor model

  • Improved FPGA-Based Circuit configuration popup notifications

A more detailed list of release notes is available at C:\OPAL-RT\eFPGASIM\v2.14.4.76\Docs\ReleaseNotes\Releases_Notes.pdf

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