HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2024.1

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HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2024.1

HYPERSIM 2024.1.4

Software Toolboxes Installed with HYPERSIM





eFPGASIM (FPGA-Based Simulation)



  • Fixed HYPERSIM installer missing ActivationTool

HYPERSIM 2024.1.3

Software Toolboxes Installed with HYPERSIM





eFPGASIM (FPGA-Based Simulation)


I/O Interfaces

Added support for slot types C and D mezzanine.

FPGA-Based Power Electronics Toolbox

eHS Blockset


HYPERSIM 2024.1.0

Software Toolboxes Installed with HYPERSIM





eFPGASIM (FPGA-Based Simulation)



  • Added support for MATLAB R2023b

  • Added a “format” column in the sensor view that displays the format of a signal value such as “double” or “int”

  • Added a Diagnostic Button in the Help section that gathers relevant log files into a ZIP archive

  • Added numbered prefixes for coefficients in the mask of Transfer Functions

  • Added a warning upon opening OPAL-RT dashboards when the network configuration of the target does not support usage of graph widgets

  • Added an option in the Preferences menu to automatically add missing targets when opening a model

  • Added an option to save a license request into a JSON or TXT file allowing one to manually send it later in case the license server is not reachable


  • Improved default folder paths when opening a new example model or license file, or importing network files, or creating new UCM

  • Improved ScopeView to suggest the current model folder when opening a template

  • Improved error popup when the HyCore or HyServer services from a previous release are already running

  • Improved workflow to avoid modifying the network configuration of a target while a simulation is running

  • Improved RT Monitor documentation with a diagram explaining the different performance measurements of a simulation

  • Improved disk space report in target diagnostic

  • Improved sub-circuit form creation by simplifying and clarifying the workflow to expose parameters

  • Improved target services (HyCore/HyServer) to use systemd instead of init.d to improve network interface initialization on OPAL-RTLinux


  • Fixed the target manager main table Active status that was only updating the target status when restarting HYPERSIM

  • Fixed the progress bar widget sometimes not being scaled to the correct size when multiple tasks are in progress

  • Fixed the RT Monitor view that was not updating the CPU list correctly when topology changes happen

  • Fixed the sensor summary “full view” not displaying all columns

  • Fixed the Target Manager view that froze when one target in the list was not accessible

  • Fixed the automatic recompilation of the model when a compiler flag in simulation settings was modified

  • Fixed the datalogger tool that was not recording some signals when using a trigger

  • Fixed the datalogger tool that was not recording when a sensor was deselected

  • Fixed the datalogger live acquisition that was not working properly after a restart of the simulation

  • Fixed the save button of UCM Builder that was sometimes incorrectly greyed out

  • Fixed the UCM Builder that was not saving properly a new UCM file unless the “File → New” menu was used beforehand

  • Fixed the Line Generator tab of the Line component form that was not calculating any parameters


  • Removed redundant datalogger buttons from the top right toolbars of ScopeView

  • Removed the obsolete support@opal-rt.com email address from some error messages

Test Automation

  • Improved the documentation describing how to set up a working Python environment

  • Improved Sequence Manager workflow with the selected theme now being applied to all tabs

  • Fixed “displayComponent” and “displayConnections” Python API commands that were no longer working correctly

Signal Visualization and Processing


  • Added a new “Shape” widget which allows to create simple shapes such as triangles or rectangles

  • Added support for vector data points in both table and tree views. Support their connections in the data points picker

  • Improved sensor synchronization between Dashboard and HYPERSIM. Using “Fetch data” is no longer required when adding and removing sensors

  • Improved the synchronization of the project’s state to avoid issues where Dashboard was sometime seeing a running simulation as stopped

  • Improved the stability of the graph widget while a simulation is running

  • Improved the data point picker user experience when modifying connections

  • Improved error messages when adding connections

  • Improved the sidebar to make it hidden by default and open automatically when a block is selected

  • Improved resizing blocks with 8 handles by preserving the x/y ratio only when the shift key is pressed

  • Improved the auto scale of graphes by excluding hidden signals from the scale computation

  • Improved consistency by scaling the graph widget with respect to the size of the diagram

  • Fixed and re-enabled the Onboarding tour

  • Fixed minor widget rotation bugs

  • Fixed an issue where Dashboards would randomly freeze after resizing columns

  • Fixed an issue where the order of graph signal colors was lost after a copy and paste

  • Fixed issue where the graph widget would sometime miss the trigger condition

  • Fixed horizontal shifting of the graph widget with a specific configuration

Unified Database

PSCAD Network Import

  • Added partial support of dynamic datatap (only constant controlled dynamic datataps are now supported)

  • Improved the HYPERSIM console display of non-mapped components during import

  • Improved import logs with simplified information

  • Fixed the import of models containing Multiply components with different input sizes

  • Fixed an issue when importing multiple signals having the same name but different letter cases under the same level of a PSCAD model

  • Fixed import of the Hard Limiter component not working properly when only one controlled limit was set

PSSE Network Import

  • Added support for PSSE v35

  • Added support for new components:

    • Gas turbine governor (GAST)

    • SEXS

  • Improved the HYPERSIM console display of non-mapped components during import

  • Improved import logs with simplified information

  • Improved load flow handling through replacing Sbase with Pgen of machine for the base power of the ideal transformer when machines are connected on the same bus

  • Improved the descriptions of the import options

  • Fixed division-by-zero issue when P=Q=0 for Switched Shunts

  • Fixed issue when machine controls were not properly excluded when their associated machines were excluded

  • Removed Pref from HYGOV import

I/O Interfaces

Modbus Slave

  • Added an option to allow read/write operations on multiple coils and registers even if there are gaps between the address ranges

FPGA-Based Power Electronics Toolbox

eHS Blockset

  • Added a reset pin in the FPGA-Based Circuit component

  • Removed the parameter_set_id pin

  • Support 3-level NPC in eHS Gen5

  • Support 3-level T-Type in eHS Gen5

  • Support FD Line in the Schematic Editor workflow

  • Support x16 Licence class in the Schematic Editor workflow

  • Improve error management for license checking in S-function driver and support of High Performance licence for eHS Gen4

  • Support new License key EHS_CORE_TOKEN to replace the EHS_TOTAL_PERFORMANCE key. Backward compatible with previous licenses.

  • Support new License key EHS_MACHINE_CORE_TOKEN to limit the number of machine in use. Backward compatible with previous licenses.

  • Support OP5369 cards in the OP5700-OP5600 official firmware

  • Display Schematic Editor model version in eHS CPU Block

  • Display eHS Licence class in eHS CPU Block

  • Fix encoder number of pole pairs for Generic Machine (EFSTT-1813)

  • Fix to use SFP in ports in firmware without AI (EFS-7015)

  • Fix State initial conditions of capacitor initial voltage and inductor initial current (EFS-7029)

  • Fix Schematic Editor to allow negative values for 2 and 3 Winding Mutual Inductance(SCHEDITT-484)