ScopeView Functions | Mathematical
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ScopeView Functions | Mathematical
Function name | Description |
Mathematical | ABS | Outputs the absolute value of selected signal. |
Mathematical | CUMSUM | Outputs the cumulative sum of input over time. |
Mathematical | DERIV | Outputs the derivative of the input. |
Mathematical | DIFF | Outputs the difference between two consecutive samples from the input. |
Mathematical | INTEG | Outputs the integral of the input. |
Mathematical | LOG | Outputs the natural logrithm of input. |
Mathematical | LOG10 | Outputs logarithm to the base 10 of input. |
Mathematical | MAX | Outputs the maximum value of input. |
Mathematical | MOY | Outputs the average value of the input. |
Mathematical | MIN | Outputs the minimum value of input. |
Mathematical | NEG | Outputs the negative values. |
Mathematical | PHASEDIFF | Outputs the absolute difference between two phases. |
Mathematical | PHASESHIFT | Outputs the phase difference between two vectors in degrees. |
Mathematical | POS | Outputs the positive values of input. |
Mathematical | PROD | Outputs the product of all signal values. |
Mathematical | RMS | Outputs the root mean squate of the input signal. |
Mathematical | SIGN | Outputs the sign of the input. |
Mathematical | SQRT | Outputs the square root of input. |
Mathematical | STAIR | Generates discrete stairs at regular intervals. |
Mathematical | SUM | Outputs the sum of all samples of input. |
Mathematical | WAVG | Outputs the moving average of the input signal. |
Mathematical | WMAX | Outputs the moving maximum of the input signal. |
Mathematical | WMIN | Outputs the moving minimum of the input signal. |
Mathematical | WRMS | Outputs the moving RMS of the input signal. |
Mathematical | WSUM | Outputs the moving sum of the input signal. |
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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