OpFcn Resistive Sensor

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OpFcn Resistive Sensor




This generic Resistive Sensor functionality block, OpFcnResistiveSensor, is designed to prepare data to be sent to, or read data returned from, a board that supports the Resistive Sensor functionality. For example, if the OpFcnResistiveSensor block specifies the same controller name as an OpCtrlResistiveModule block, the OpFcnResistiveSensor prepares and read data relative to the lines of an OPxxxx ResistiveModule board.


Controller NameThe controller name uniquely specified in an OpCtrl block's parameter enables the binding between a specific controller block and the present functionality block. Binding between OpFcnand OpCtrl blocks that define the same Controller Name is performed during the initialization phase of the model. If no OpCtrl block is found that defines the same Controller Name as the OpFcnResistiveSensor block, the OpFcnResistiveSensor is simply disabled.
Functionality NoEnter the vector of line numbers from the controller to be managed by this OpFcnResistiveSensor block.
Termination voltageThe termination voltage of the Resistive Sensor lines may either be Open, Ground, or User Defined. In the User Define case, the User Defined voltage should be connected to the USRn pins of the ELCO-56 connector for each of the selected lines.


OhmsThis input vector supplies the resistance values to be set to the selected Resistive Sensor lines.


CurrentThis output vector returns the values of the current flowing through each of the resistor lines. The values are in Amps.

Characteristics and Limitations

Connector Pin Assignments

Since the OpFcnResitiveSensor block may attach itself to different boards that support the Resistive Sensor functionality, the user should refer to the documentation of his specific module board for connector pin assignments.

Direct FeedthroughNo
Discrete sample timeYes
XHP supportYes
Work offlineNo