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Component Parameter Form Introduction


This page gives an overview of the component form's shared features, i.e., a generic tour of the way all component forms in this section (Components by Library) are organized.

Having a better idea of the interface's layout prepares users better to find information they may require.

The term component here refers to the representation of the device, while the parameters are elements of the component that can be configured.


All component forms have a similar layout. The following items are always present :

1: Equation detail fieldWhen a parameter is defined as an equation, when focusing on the parameter's module, this field shows the complete expression.
2: Open sensors form

Opens the component's sensor form.

3: Open helpClicking this button opens the online help or a PDF, detailing the current component.
4: Tabs

The component may have several aspects. These aspects are separated in different tabs. Some common tabs are General, Load flow, Diagrams, ...

5: Description

This parameter, common to all components, may contain a description of the device. Use this field to add all kinds of information about the component,

such as the reason for using this component here in the circuit, a quick summary of its features, the connected buses, ...

6: SectionsEach aspect of the component is organized in sections. Parameters in the same section often belong to the same group, or share similar functions
7: ModulesEach parameter of the component is represented in a module. See the Module section for additional details.

When right-clicking anywhere in the form, the following context menu appears.

  • Set all (un)/balanced: This feature applies to modules that contain multiple text fields. The details are explained here
  • Save layout: Saves a copy of the form in C/User/%username%/ HYPERSIM/views as an XML file, where %username% is the Windows current user's name. 
    This way, users can keep a specific form size, and eventually fine-tune the display and several other features. In case you try it and the form doesn't work, deleting the XML in the aforementioned folder file resets the form to its default layout.


General overview

The modules all have a similar layout:

1: Module labelDescription of the module. While hovering over the label, a tooltip (like HTML alt text) appears after a short moment, giving a description of the parameter.
2: Parameter valueActual configuration of the parameter. Values are adjusted in various ways, the most common ones being text fields and pull-down menus.
3: Display unitThe unit in which the value is displayed. This field is optional, as some fields do not have units.

Shared features

  • The first information on the label tooltip is the parameter ID, or alias. This ID may be used in expressionse.g. MyComponent.Param3, if the label displays [Param3]
  • When a value of an parameter is modified, a marker appears on the parameter, for example  until the changes are applied.
  • Most parameters may be modified during simulation, but some others are not (mainly those impacting the topology). This modification is prevented by disabling the Parameter value Item.
  • When moving the mouse close to the lower right corner of the Parameter value Item, between the Parameter value Item and the Display unit Item (if present), a question mark appears, like for the Base frequency module in the first figure. Clicking on it opens a popup with more details than the tooltip. 
  • It shows:
    • The tooltip content
    • The other members of the parameter group, if it belongs to a group. Belonging to a group means that when switching between SI and PU unit systems, all members of the group will follow the same unit system modification.
    • The related base elements that help calculating the PU references, if relevant.
  • Right clicking on the Label or Unit, if present, will show a context menu that helps configuring the unit display. 
  • It is possible to define most parameters as an equation (See Variables and Expressions for more details ). In text fields, they are accessible simply by pressing "=". In some other module types, right-clicking on the Label will show the following result : 

Specific features

  • Multiple text fields  :
    • (Un)Balanced : For network components involving 3-phase vectorized parameters, each phase is configurable by a text field. In most cases, the network is balanced and all phases are equal. It is however possible to use the "=" symbol to the left of the Parameter value Item to enable/disable editing all phases separately in case a network may be unbalanced as a result.
      • Balanced: all phases share the same value that is set in phase A. Phase B and C are grayed out in the interface.
      • Unbalanced: each phase is defined separately.
    • Some Components are flexible in their number of phases, which is contextual to the surrounding components, e.g. the Network RLC components. In that case, when they are connected single phase, only phase A is configurable and phase B and C are grayed out.

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