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Table of Contents

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This block allows you to interface with the OP8110 amplifier groups. A group is defined as a collection of three amplifiers e.g 1-2-3 or 4-5-6. This block can also be used to set the modes of each amplifier in a group and apply gain and offset calibration parameters (set at 1 and 0 respectively by default).  

Mask and Parameters

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NOTE: The Amp 1, Amp 2, etc., labels on the Simulink blocks refer to the amplifier outputs L1, L2, etc.


Mask and Parameters

NOTE: The Amplifier 1, Amplifier 2, etc., and AMP 1, AMP 2, etc., labels on the Simulink blocks refer to the amplifier outputs L1, L2, etc.

Parameters - INDEPENDENT mode

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Parameters - GROUPED mode

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Parameters - DIFFERENTIAL mode

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Calibration Tab

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Parameter Tab Description

GROUP 1 MODE (AMP 1-2-3)

This parameter sets the mode for

The parameters selected in this section define the operating mode of the amplifier group

1 (includes the first three amplifiers 1,2 and 3)

, where Group 1 consists of the three amplifier outputs: L1, L2, and L3.



In this mode

selected, each amplifier output can be activated individually. i.e. the enable contactor can be individually controlled for each amplifier. It has an option to have a grouped operation mode by checking the grouped Operation checkbox. With this checkbox checked, all the three amplifiers are activated together i.e. the enable contactors of three amplifiers are controlled together. This mode is suitable for three-phase applications.

DIFFERENTIAL - With this mode selected, the first two amplifiers (Amp 1 and 2) are controlled together as a single amplifier. The reference provided to amplifier 1 is used and the one for amplifier 2 is ignored. The voltage produced at the output is created between amplifier 1 and amplifier 2. Amplifier 3 input reference is ignored as well. 

Application ModeEnsure that this parameter is always set to "Closed Loop".  (*Note that the "Open Loop" option is a debugging feature which an OPAL-RT engineer might use during the amplifier installation only).


This parameter allows you to select if the amplifier output activation (i.e, engaging the output contactor) is controlled by the corresponding port in the block or by the graphical user interface (GUI) OP8110-3 Console GUI block in the console.

GUI OUTPUT ENABLE - With this selected, the amplifier 'x' output is activated from the GUI in the console.

MODEL OUTPUT ENABLE - With this selected the amplifier 'x' output is activated from the Amp x Enable input port of the

each amplifier output operates independently; each can be enabled/disabled individually and given a reference voltage which it will output with respect to its associated neutral terminal (e.g., L1 to N1, L2 to N2, etc.).

Grouped Operation - An optional “Grouped Operation” checkbox configures all outputs within the group to be enabled/disabled together, facilitating simpler control specifically for three-phase operation.

DIFFERENTIAL - In this mode the first two amplifier outputs of the Group (L1 & L2) operate together to generate a differential voltage, using the enable/disable and reference commands for the first amplifier output within the group. For example, in differential mode, a reference of 100VDC given to Amp 1 will produce an output voltage of 100VDC measured across amplifier outputs L1 & L2.

Application Mode

Obsolete/Legacy parameter - Selection has no effect as the OP8110 always operates in ‘Closed-Loop’ mode.


These parameters define whether the enabling/disabling command for the respective amplifier output is obtained from the corresponding input port of the communication block or from the Graphical User Interface (GUI) block in the console (OP8110-3 RT-LAB Console GUI).

GUI OUTPUT ENABLE - With this selected, the respective amplifier output is enabled/disabled from the Console GUI block.

MODEL OUTPUT ENABLE - With this selected, the respective amplifier output is enabled/disabled from the corresponding “Amp <#> Enable” input port of the communication block.

Bypass Output Inductance


Checking this box

if you would like to

will bypass the

75 uH

75µH output inductance


of the respective amplifier output, and conversely, unchecking it will insert this inductance.


Un-check if you need to keep the inductance in the circuit. The option is checked by default.

Calibration TabAmplifier X Gain Correction This value corresponds to the gain correction factor. This factor is multiplied to the Amp x Vref signal before sending it to the amplifier

This box should always be unchecked (i.e., inductance inserted) when connecting to a capacitive load or an active load. 


Calibration Tab Description

Amplifier <#> Gain Correction 

This gain correction factor is multiplied to the reference signal of the respective output, which can be used to adjust/calibrate its linear voltage gain. The default value for the gain correction factor is 1. 



<#> Offset Correction 


value corresponds to the offset correction value. This

offset correction factor is added to

the Amp x Vref signal before sending it to the amplifier

the reference signal of the respective output, which can be used to adjust/calibrate its offset bias. The default value for the offset correction factor is 0. 

Inputs, Outputs


and Signals Available for Monitoring







This input is

used to communicate with the GUI in the console

to be connected to the output of the OP8110 Console GUI block to receive the associated GUI control signals.


x EnableThis input activates the amplifier X output when the AMPLIFIER X ENABLE MODE is selected to MODEL OUTPUT ENABLE. The input is

<#> Enable

These inputs enable/disable the respective amplifier output when “MODEL OUTPUT ENABLE” is selected for AMPLIFIER <#> ENABLE MODE. These inputs are active high.



<#> Vref

This input is used to pass the voltage output reference to amplifier X. The

These inputs obtain the voltage references for the respective amplifier outputs. Each reference value directly corresponds to the


generated voltage of the amplifier output (with respect to the


respective neutral). If the amplifier group operates in DIFFERENTIAL mode,

this input corresponds to the output voltage between amplifier phase L1 and amplifier phase L2.For details of maximum voltages possible in each mode please consult 

only the reference for the first output of the group is used which defines the differential voltage between the first & second outputs (i.e., Group 1 uses the Amp 1 reference for the voltage across L1 & L2).

For details pertaining to the possible voltage reference range in each mode please consult the specifications listed in OP8110 4Q Power Amplifier.

SFP to OpInput

The user must connect

This input is to be connected to an OpInput block to establish communication with the

tag SFP00 (or SFP01

OP8110 (the label “SFP00in” denotes the communication channel for the first OP8110 unit, “SFP01in” for the second unit

and so on). This port is used to establish communication with the amplifier

, etc.). The process of mapping the amplifier bitstream I/O with the model I/O tags is provided in Simulator SFP Communication Setup.

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NOTE: Output voltage defined in the following table is measured between the output and respective neutral when in INDEPENDENT mode or between both respective outputs when in DIFFERENTIAL MODE.








port is

used to communicate with the GUI in the console

to be connected to the input of the OP8110 Console GUI block to transmit the associated amplifier status signals.

Global Status

This port outputs the global status of the amplifier





<#> Status

This pin outputs

These ports output the status of the respective amplifier





<#> Measure 

This pin provides the measurements from amplifier 1. It includes

These ports output the measurements of the

following values:
  1. Measured output voltage.  (*Note: It is the differential voltage between phase 1 and phase 2 when operating in DIFFERENTIAL mode. )
  2. Measured output current. 
  3. Measured voltage on the remote voltage connection
Amp 2 Status

This port outputs the status of amplifier 2.

Amp 2 Measure

This port provides the measurements from amplifier 2. It includes the measurements of the following values:

  1. Measured output voltage. 
  2. Measured output current. 
  3. Measured voltage on the remote voltage connection
Amp 3 Status

This port outputs the status of amplifier 3.

Amp 3 Measure

This port provides the measurements from amplifier 2. It includes the measurements of the following values:

  1. Measured output voltage. 
  2. Measured output current. 
  3. Measured voltage on the remote voltage connection
SFP to OpOutputThe user must connect an OpOutput block with the tag SFP00 (or SFP01 for the second unit and so on). This port is used to establish communication with the amplifier.

respective amplifier output.

  • Output voltage.

  • Output current. 

  • VFEM sensor port voltage.

  • Input (DC) voltage.

SFP to OpOutput

This output is to be connected to an OpOutput block to establish communication with the OP8110 (the label “SFP00out” denotes the communication channel for the first OP8110 unit, “SFP01out” for the second unit, etc.). The process of mapping the amplifier bitstream I/O with the model I/O tags is provided in Simulator SFP Communication Setup.

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