Title: | Power Grid applications using SSN | |
Owner: | Sylvain Ménard | |
Creator: | Sylvain Ménard | Mar 09, 2023 |
Last Changed by: | Sylvain Ménard | Mar 09, 2023 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://opal-rt.atlassian.net/wiki/x/f4BnC | |
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Children (5)
MMC-based HVDC power system using SSN and Opal-RT specialized MMC blockset
Kundur Four Machines 2 Areas Power System Using SSN Synchronous Machines R2015a and up
48-pulse STATCOM Using High Impedance Capable TSB and SSN
Static VAR Compensator Mvars Thyristors-based 1 TSR-3 TSC Using SSN
Bipolar 12-pulse HVDC link with switched filter banks and Firing Pulse compensation
MMC-based HVDC power system using SSN and Opal-RT specialized MMC blockset
Kundur Four Machines 2 Areas Power System Using SSN Synchronous Machines R2015a and up
48-pulse STATCOM Using High Impedance Capable TSB and SSN
Static VAR Compensator Mvars Thyristors-based 1 TSR-3 TSC Using SSN
Bipolar 12-pulse HVDC link with switched filter banks and Firing Pulse compensation
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