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To use ePHASORSIM Interface in HYPERSIM, Dashboard must be enabled in the Preferences


ePHASORSIM is a real-time phasor simulation tool integrated into the HYPERSIM environment. It is primarily used for simulating large power systems with a focus on phasor-domain behavior. This document provides a high-level description of ePHASORSIM and its role within the HYPERSIM simulation platform.

Key Features

  1. Phasor-Based Simulation:

    • ePHASORSIM operates in the phasor domain, which is suited for the steady-state analysis of electrical systems, focusing on voltage, current, and power at the phasor level rather than the detailed waveform level.

    • This approach allows for faster simulation of large networks compared to time-domain simulations.

  2. Real-Time Capabilities:

    • ePHASORSIM supports real-time simulation, making it a valuable tool for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing, system protection, and control studies.

    • It can model and simulate thousands of buses in real time.

  3. Integration with HYPERSIM:

    • Within the HYPERSIM platform, ePHASORSIM is tightly integrated, enabling it to simulate large power grids alongside detailed electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations.

    • Users can seamlessly switch between EMT and phasor domain simulations depending on the needs of the study.

  4. Applications:

    • Stability Analysis: ePHASORSIM is used to assess the stability of large power grids under various disturbances.

    • Protection Studies: It facilitates protection relay testing by simulating fault conditions and validating relay responses.

    • Real-Time Power System Operation: Enables the simulation of real-world operational scenarios for large-scale systems.

  5. Simulation Environment:

    • ePHASORSIM provides an intuitive user interface to configure and run a simulation.

    • Users can set up system models, define faults and events, and configure various simulation parameters via the HYPERSIM interface.

ePHASORSIM Workflow and Model Setup in HYPERSIM

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to configure and run an ePHASORSIM model using HYPERSIM. The configuration window for setting up the simulation is shown in the screenshot and explained below.

  1. Model Setup:

    • Add an ePHASORSIM Interface from library Network Interface


    • By double clicking on the empty block, the ePHASOSRIM UI is presented


Import File

The first step in setting up an ePHASORSIM model is to import the network configuration file.

Select File: Click this button to import your power system model, typically in a supported file format (e.g., xlsx.). This file contains the network data such as buses, generators, loads, and transmission lines.

External components (optional)
*Supported with Excel import format only

If you have any external models or components that need to be included in your simulation, you can load them here.

Select Folder: This optional step allows you to import additional external models that may interact with your power grid (e.g., renewable energy sources, control devices). This could include external code or custom models from external simulations.

Time Step

The time step is critical in determining how frequently the phasor domain equations are solved during the simulation.

Time Step: Enter the time step value in seconds. A typical value could be 0.01 seconds or other values depending on the desired simulation speed and accuracy. This defines the simulation's resolution and determines how accurately phasor behavior is captured over time.

Calculate load flow

Before starting the real-time simulation, you need to configure the load flow to initialize the network in a steady-state condition.

Calculate Load Flow: Toggle this option to "On" if you want the software to automatically calculate the load flow for your system before the dynamic simulation begins. Load flow ensures that power flows, voltages, and other electrical parameters are initialized correctly.

Max iterations

Max Iterations: Set the maximum number of iterations for the load flow solver to converge. A typical value might be 100, which gives the solver sufficient iterations to find a stable solution.


Tolerance: This defines the convergence tolerance of the load flow solver. For high accuracy, a value like 1.0000e-8 is appropriate, ensuring that the difference between successive iterations is small enough to consider the solution converged

Initialization mode

When setting up your ePHASORSIM simulation in HYPERSIM, the Initialization Mode determines how the simulation initializes the network's state at the beginning of the run. Proper initialization is crucial for ensuring that the simulation starts from a stable operating point.

Here’s a breakdown of the three initialization modes available:

1. From Input Data

  • Description: This mode uses the pre-defined operational conditions provided in the input file, such as bus voltages, generator outputs, and load values. The simulation starts with these values, assuming that they are already in a steady state.

  • Use Case: Best used when you have a well-prepared input file with detailed operational data that accurately represents the real-world state of the system or the desired simulation state.

  • Benefits:

    • Provides more realistic initial conditions if the input data represents the actual grid's operational conditions.

    • Ideal when continuing from a previous steady-state condition.

2. Smart Start

  • Description: In Smart Start mode, ePHASORSIM adjusts and optimizes the initial conditions based on the input data to ensure a faster and smoother transition to a stable state. The system intelligently modifies values like bus voltages and angles to help the simulation converge more quickly.

  • Use Case: Useful when the input data is incomplete or slightly inconsistent, and you want the system to automatically make adjustments to reach a stable condition. It is also helpful if you are unsure of the exact system state.

  • Benefits:

    • Automatically optimizes the initial conditions for better convergence.

    • Can help avoid issues where the input data might lead to instability or convergence errors.

    • Good for large, complex systems where the exact initial state might not be fully known.

3. Flat Start

  • Description: In this mode, all system variables (e.g., bus voltages, generator outputs) are initialized to a flat, predefined condition. Typically, this means that all bus voltages are initialized to nominal values (e.g., 1.0 p.u.), and angles are set to zero or a default value.

  • Use Case: Ideal for exploratory studies or simulations where you want to see the system behavior starting from a completely neutral state, without pre-defined conditions. It can also be helpful for troubleshooting or performing stress tests.

  • Benefits:

    • Provides a clean and neutral starting point for the simulation.

    • Useful when you do not have reliable or accurate input data.

    • Simplifies troubleshooting by eliminating the complexity of initial input conditions.


Once all settings have been configured:

Create: Click the "Create" button to set up the simulation environment with your specified configurations.



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