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Photovoltaic Generation System (PVGS) - Average
The photovoltaic generation system (PVGS) is shown in the figure below. The PVGS features a PV array that is connected to an inverter via a boost DC-DC converter. The PV array model contains many types of modules predefined from the database of the California Energy Commission (CEC) . More than 21,000 modules from leading manufacturers are listed in this database which includes the manufacturer's specifications measured for standard test conditions (STC). meaning Irradiance of 1000 W/m2 and 25° C.
The boost converter controls the PV array in two modes of operation: maximum power point tracking (MPPT); and curtailment. In mode 1 the boost converter duty cycle is calculated by a perturb-and-observe (P&O) MPPT algorithm to ensure maximum power extraction from the array for a given solar irradiation. In curtailment mode the duty cycle of the boost converter is controlled to follow the active power reference.
Both the DC-DC converter and the three phase AC interface converter are average models. The inverter’s function is to maintain and regulate the DC link voltage and the reactive power at their respective commanded values at the point of common coupling (PCC). A RL choke filter is used to connect the inverter to the grid. The choke filter must be designed to limit the total harmonic distortion of the PVGS current injected into the grid at the point of common coupling (PCC).
The PVGS must be connected to an external step up transformer to the grid. It is recommended to use a star-delta transformer with a base power of 1.2 times the nominal power of the PVGS. The model is not compatible with load flow.
PVGS components schematic
Mask and Parameters
System Parameters
Name | Description | Unit |
Nominal Power - Sg | Nominal power of the PVGS | VA |
Nominal Voltage - Vp | Nominal AC voltage of the PVGS | V |
Nominal Frequency - f | Nominal frequency of the PVGS | Hz |
Nominal DC Link Voltage - Vdc | Nominal DC voltage maintained at the DC link capacitor. | V |
DC link Capacitor - Cdc | DC link capacitor | F |
Filter Resistance – Rgs | Filter resistance at the AC side. | Ω |
Filter Inductance – Lgs | Filter inductance at the AC side | H |
Switching frequency - Fsw | Switching frequency of the PWM that control the gating pulse signals of the inverter (for average inverter models, this number is only used to design the measurement filters in the control blocks). | Hz |
Control Loops Parameters
Name | Description | Unit |
Active Power Regulator** | ||
KpP | Proportional gain PI controller for active power regulator. | - |
KiP | Integral gain PI controller for active power regulator. | - |
Reactive Power Regulator | ||
KpQ | Proportional gain PI controller for reactive power regulator. | - |
KiQ | Integral gain PI controller for reactive power regulator. | - |
Current Regulator | ||
KpI | Proportional gain PI controller for current regulator. | - |
KiI | Integral gain PI controller for current regulator. | - |
VDC Regulator | ||
KpVDC | Proportional gain VDC Regulator | - |
KiVDC | Integral gain of VDC Regulator | - |
Current Limit | ||
CL | Current Limit | pu |
**D_low and D_up can be modified from the Boost Converter panel .
Cell: single unit of the photovoltaic semiconductor that converts the solar irradiance into electricity.
Module: it’s a group of cells connected in series and parallel to achieve a desired voltage and current.
The PV_Array panel is shown below. This panel contains all the parameters to tune the technology and desired output power from the PV. The panel was implemented from a MATLAB/Simulink example model available online .
PV Array Parameters
Name | Description | Unit |
Nser | Number of PV modules connected in series. | - |
Npar | Number of PV modules connected in parallel. | - |
Ncell | Number of cells per module. | - |
Vmp | Voltage at maximum power point for one module at nominal irradiance (1000 W/m2 ) and temperature (25 °C). | V |
Imp | Current at maximum power point for one module at nominal irradiance (1000 W/m2 ) and temperature (25 °C). | A |
Pmax | Maximum power | W |
Voc | Open circuit voltage for one module. | V |
Isc | Short circuit current for one module. | A |
Beta | Temperature coefficient at Voc | %/°C |
Alpha | Temperature coefficient at Isc | %/°C |
IL | Light generated current | A |
I0 | Diode saturation current | A |
Diode ideality factor | Ideality factor of the diode. | - |
Rsh | Shunt resistance | Ω |
Rs | Series resistance | Ω |
PV array Database Parameters
Below figure shows the Database tab of PV model. This tab lets you choose a PV from the database of the California Energy Commission (CEC). Once the selected module, the user must click Load parameters to load the model with the respective parameter values.
Boost Converter Parameters
The boost converter control parameters contain the RLC parameters together with the duty-cycle control, this duty-cycle depends on the active power regulator.
Name | Description | Unit |
Cpv | Boost converter DC/DC link Capacitance | F |
Rpv | Boost converter DC/DC link parasitic resistance | Ω |
Lpv | Boost converter DC/DC link inductance | H |
D_low | Minimum duty-cycle value | - |
D_up | Maximum duty-cycle value | - |
delD | Duty change per time step. Increment value used to increase/decrease the duty cycle per time step. Increasing the duty cycle means decreasing the voltage reference. | - |
Ports, Inputs, Outputs and Signals Available for Monitoring
Name | Description |
PCC | Network connection; supports 3-phase connection |
Name | Description | Units |
Temperature | Temperature of the PV cell | °C |
Irradiance | Sun irradiance over the PV | W/m2 |
Pref | Active power reference. This signal is followed if the curtailment is on and the irradiance is higher in pu than Pref. | pu |
Qref | Reactive power reference. | pu |
Curtailment | 1- Curtailment is on, 0 curtailment is off. The PV works in MPPT mode when the curtailment is off, or when the irradiance in pu is lower than the reference active power. | - |
reset | Block enabled. 1- Enable, 0- Disable. | - |
Name | Description | Units |
Temperature | Temperature of the PV cell | °C |
Irradiance | Sun irradiance over the PV | W/m2 |
Pref | Active power reference. This signal is followed if the curtailment is on and the irradiance is higher in pu than Pref. | pu |
Qref | Reactive power reference. | pu |
Curtailment | 1- Curtailment is on, 0 curtailment is off. The PV works in MPPT mode when the curtailment is off, or when the irradiance in pu is lower than the reference active power. |