Importing from PSS/E, CYME and PowerFactory

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Importing from PSS/E, CYME and PowerFactory

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If the data is imported from PSS/E, CYME or PowerFactory, any new Modelica based component should be also registered in the corresponding mapping file.

The mapping files for PSS/E, CYME and PowerFactory are defined as PSSEv32_mapping.csv, CYMEv7x_mapping.csv and PFv2017_mapping.csv respectively.

Mapping to PSS/E Parameters

To register a new component beside the existing ones in this file, the following fields must be filled:


ID field used in the FMUGlossary.csv file.


Name of the component as used in PSS/E DYR file.

Number of Parameters

Number of Parameters field in FMUGlossary.csv file.

Parameter indices

Indices which map data entries from RAW and DYR files to the corresponding parameters defined in FMUGlossary.csv. If a parameter takes its value from the DYR file, then the position of that parameter in DYR file must be entered in this field. The index numbers starts from 0. For example, figure below shows data entries for a GENCLS component in the DYR file. The indices are also shown in red color. In this way for the parameters H and D defined in the FMUGlossary.csv for this component, the corresponding indices which should be defined in PSSEv32_mapping.csv file is 3 and 4 respectively.

Data entry indices for DYR file used for PSSEv32_mapping.csv
Data entry indices for DYR file used for PSS/Ev32_mapping.csv

In addition, some specific characters are used as follows to facilitate mapping data from RAW and DYR files:

! (exclamation mark)

Ignore parameters while reading the input file.

` (back-tick)

Hard-code the value of a parameter required for an FMU.


If the order of indices in DYR file is exactly the same as it is given in FMUGlossary.csv file.


To specify the indices of the data entry in the RAW file for generator components. As an example, the figure below shows an example of a generator data record in which the indices are shown in red. Assuming the GENCLS type machine for this generator, r2 and r3 should be inserted in the PSSEv32_mapping.csv file for the corresponding parameters, P_gen and Q_gen in the FMUGlossary.csv file.

Data entry indices for generators in the RAW file used for PSSEv32_mapping
Data entry indices for generators in the RAW file used for PSSEv32_mapping


For absolute bus voltage magnitude, bva# for bus voltage angle where # is the index of the power pin starting from 0. As an example, the figure below shows bus data record for bus no. 3, in which the voltage magnitude and voltage angle are also defined. Assuming a GENCLS type machine connected to this bus, keywords bvm0 and bva0 can be used in the PSSEv32_mapping.csv file to map voltage magnitude and angle values to parameters Vt_abs and Vt_ang in the FMUGlossary.csv file.


For nominal frequency. This information is located at the header of the RAW file.


For Networks base power. This information is located at the header of the RAW file.

Mapping to CYME Parameters [Disabled after v2020.4]

To register a new CYME component besides the existing ones in the CYMEv7x_mapping.csv file, the following fields must be filled:


Must be exactly the ID field used in the FMUGlossary.csv file.


Must be the name of the component as used in CYME *.sxst file.

Number of Parameters

Must be the same value as Number of Parameters field in FMUGlossary.csv file.

Parameter Name

Must be the same name as the one defined for that component in the *.sxst file.

In addition, some specific characters are used as follows to facilitate mapping data from *.sxst files:

  • Use ! (exclamation mark) to ignore parameters while reading the input file.

  • Use ` (back-tick) to hard-code the value of a parameter required for an FMU.

Mapping to PowerFactory Parameters [Disabled after v2020.4]

To register a new PowerFactory component besides the existing ones in the PFv2017_mapping.csv file, the following fields must be filled:


Must be exactly the ID field used in the FMUGlossary.csv file.


Must be the name of the component as used in PowerFactory *.dgs file.

Number of Parameters

Must be the same value as Number of Parameters field in FMUGlossary.csv file.

Parameter Names

Must be the same name as the one defined for that component in the *.dgs file.

In addition, some specific characters are used as follows to facilitate mapping data from *.dgs files:

  • Use ! (exclamation mark) to ignore parameters while reading the input file.

  • Use ` (back-tick) to hard-code the value of a parameter required for an FMU.

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