Migration Notes

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Migration Notes

RT-LAB 2023.3

  • EPXlsUpgrader is a new utility software to facilitate ePHASORSIM's excel file migration from v1.8 to v2.0. This software automates the converting steps described in RT-LAB 2021.1 notes. 

    • It can be found under <RT_LAB_FOLDER>/mingw/bin

    • Excel files need to be in .xlsx format. It is easy to convert a .xls to .xlsx using the Microsoft Excel 'Save As' function.

    • This tool will not alter the original file. Instead, it will create a new file in the 2.0 format using the input file's data.

    • The resulting file is a v2.0 .xlsx ready to be used in ePHASORSIM solver.

    • Converting may take a few seconds or minutes depending on the file size.

    • This tool is meant to be used in Windows in command line prompt or Windows PowerShell:

Some v1.8 files can contain empty cells which used to be valid. Please note that empty cells are not valid in v2.0 anymore. The software will warn the user if empty cells were found while upgrading a v1.8 file to v2.0. Empty cells will be highlighted in yellow in the output file and the user will need to manually enter values for them.

Empty cells example
Empty cells example

To migrate Excel files older than v1.8, please contact the Support team.

RT-LAB 2021.3

  • The PowerFactory import feature, which was disabled after v2020.4, is reworked and enabled. However, it requires the following considerations:

    1. Installation of OPAL-RT's Unified DataBase (UDB), which will be taken care of by the mega-installer when installing ePHASORSIM.

    2. MATLAB 2016B or above is required for this feature.

    3. The DGS data file exported from PowerFactory database must be in XML format. Previously, it was in ASCII format with extension DGS.

    4. The Excel I/O pins file must be in .xlsx format. Previously, it was an .xls file.

    5. The I/O pins file now must have a General tab with version v1.8 (or v2.0) to define the Power Base (MVA) and Frequency (Hz) of the network. Previously, these parameters were fixed to 100 MVA and 50 Hz, respectively.

    6. Using FMU with PowerFactory file is still disabled.

  • Support of OpenModelica v1.16.2 64bit FMU is added. Although OpenModelica is not a proprietary of OPAL-RT, we will share our experience here to facilitate the migration process of modelica files from OM v1.9.1 to OM v1.16.2:

    1. To use desired version of OM (for e.g. in FMUCreator), install them on the default paths and verify the values for following Windows user environment variables are set correctly. These environments variables will be created automatically during installation of OM.

      1. For OM v1.16.2:

        1. OPENMODELICAHOME: C:\Program Files\OpenModelica1.16.2-64bit\

        2. OPENMODELICALIBRARY: C:\Program Files\OpenModelica1.16.2-64bit\lib\omlibrary

      2. For OM v1.9.1:

        1. OPENMODELICAHOME: C:\OpenModelica1.9.1\

        2. OPENMODELICALIBRARY: C:\OpenModelica1.9.1\lib\omlibrary

    2. To avoid "Translation Error" for interface pins, in OMEdit go to Tools Options Simulation and check the option Enable old frontend for code generation.

    3. It is observed that in some cases the when and if statements do not operate as expected in OM 1.16.2 FMUs. The workaround could be:

      1. For the if-statement, alternate syntax between "clause" and "expression". For e.g. in GENROU the if-clause for TRIP logic is replaced with an if-expression.

      2. For the when-statement, rewrite the logic using if-statement instead. For e.g. in Integrator_NonWindupLimit block the logic to check the output limits using when-statement is replaced using an if-statement.

RT-LAB 2021.1

  • Instructions in Pins page of the Excel file are updated for Machine, Exciter, Power System Stabilizer and Turbine-Governor. Please consult Available I/O Pins tables for those pages and validate the correct paths. For example, the old pin path gen_30_1/delta must be modified to gen_30_1/pins/delta, or ex_30_1/varVref must be changed to ex_30_1/pins/dVref. These changes are independent of Excel Template version.

  • When using PSS/E data import, assure that the version of the I/O pins Excel file is either v1.8 or v2.0 in the General Tab.

  • To migrate data from v1.8 to v2.0, use the Excel template v2.0 included in the software. Following is the list of major changes introduced in the Excel template v2.0:

  1. Support for native models is extended when using Excel data import for generator, exciter, stabilizer, and turbine governor. For list of supported components and more details please explore Native Library.

  2. Model deprecated: SM_T1 and XF_2W. When migrating from v1.8, they can be replaced by their counterparts SynGenGENROU and Positive Sequence 2W Transformer, respectively.

  3. Note that various component pages are merged to a single Excel page. When migrating data from v1.8, use the following table to navigate pages in the new template.

    Page names in v1.8Page name in v2.0
    Synchronous Machine, Induction MachineMachine
    Vsource, Vsource 3-phaseVoltage Source
    Load, Multiphase LoadLoad
    Line, Multiphase LineLine
    2W-Transformer, 3W-Transformer, Multiphase TransformerTransformer
    Multiphase Shunt


  4. The Type parameter is removed from all pages except Multiphase Fault. Instead, for each type of component, a preformatted data block is created in pages of Excel template. A data block of any component type is a collection of cells predetermined to enter its required data. For example, in Machine page of new template, there is a defined section to enter data for machine type SyncGenGENCLS. Thus, when migrating data from v1.8, skip the Type parameter column of the component (which is SM_T2 in this example) and copy the rest of data to the corresponding data block in v2.0.

    The following table shows the mapping between type names in v1.8 and the corresponding names in v2.0. When migrating from v1.8, use the following table to copy data to the correct data block.

    Type Name in v1.8New Name in v2.0
    IM_T1AsyncGenSingleCage and AsyncGenDoubleCage
  5. The parameter columns in the component pages of the Excel template are now uniformly rearranged in v2.0. The following table shows an overview of the overall change; however, these changes are discussed in further details below. 

    Pages in v2.0Columns Order Overview
    MachineBusIDStatusRest of parameters (refer to 5.a)
    Voltage SourceIDBusRest of parameters (refer to 5.b)
    Exciter, PSS and Turbine, and GovernorIDMachine IDRest of parameters (refer to 5.c)
    Load, Line, Transformer, and ShuntIDStatusRest of parameters (refer to 5.d, 5.e, 5.f and 5.g, respectively)

    1. Synchronous and Induction Machine
      In addition to removal of Type column, the location of parameter Ra (pu) is also changed from column R in v1.8 to column K in v2.0 for both Synchronous Machine and Induction Machine, as shown in figure below.

    2. Vsource 3-phase
      In addition to re-ordering ID and Bus columns, each type of voltage source is separated into different data blocks with their respective parameters as shown in the figure below. The parameter names are also modified, which is summarized in the table below.

      Parameter Name in v1.8Parameter Name in v2.0
      V (KV)kV (ph-ph RMS)
      Angle (deg)Angle_a (deg)
      Bus A, Bus B and Bus CBus1, Bus2 and Bus3, respectively
      R_pos, X_pos, R_zero and X_zeroR1, X1, R0 and X0, respectively

    3. EX_T2, PSS_T2 and TG_T2
      In addition to renaming of v1.8 component types EX_T2, PSS_T2 and TG_T2 to ExciterEXST1, StabilibzerSTAB1 and TurbineGovernorTGOV1, respectively, their parameter names and column order are also modified as shown below.

      Component Name in v1.8Parameters modified in v2.0

      VR_max, VR_min, VI_max and VI_min are renamed to VRMAX, VRMIN, VIMAX and VIMIN, respectively.


      Kstab, TW and Vs_max are renamed to K, T and HLIM, respectively.

      • K/T represents ratio of K and T.
      • Similarly, T1/T3 is the ratio of T1 and T3, and T2/T4 is the ratio of T2 and T4.
      • HLIM = Vs_max = -Vs_min

      V_max and V_min are renamed to VMAX and VMIN.

    4. Multiphase Load
      In addition to removing Type and re-arranging ID and Status columns, load is divided into different data blocks for each phase with their respective parameters as shown in figure below.

    5. Multiphase Line
      In addition to re-arranging ID and Status columns, the parameter Mode is removed and line is divided into different data blocks for each phase with their respective parameters as shown in figure below.

    6. Multiphase Transformer
      In addition to re-arranging Status column, the parameter Mutual Impedance is removed and each transformer type is separated into different data blocks with their respective parameters as shown in figure below.

    7. Shunt
      In addition to re-arranging Status column, Multiphase Shunt is divided into different data blocks for each phase with their respective parameters, where V (KV) is renamed to kV (ph-ph RMS), as shown in figure below.

    The Unit (V, pu) parameter is added as column 4 in Bus page. This parameter is only used for importing data via UDB. Thus, when migrating data from v1.8, add correct unit if UDB import is required.

RT-LAB 2020.3

  • For PSS/E input files, for PV and Slack buses, it now requires Vscheduled from the generator section in the RAW file instead of assigned value in the Bus section. Depending on the RAW file, this can change the Power Flow and initialization results. Note that in the case of UDB (trial version) the import values for Vscheduled are still from the Bus section.

  • ePHASORSIM API is not functional for OPAL-RTLinux OS.

  • When XHP is enabled with OPAL-RTLinux OS, add OMP_WAIT_POLICY = ACTIVE as a custom environment variable in RT-LAB UI (EP-1807).

  • Be advised, since OpenModelica FMUs are 32bit they cannot be used on targets with OPAL-RTLinux OS.

RT-LAB 2020.2

  • To migrate data from v1.7 to v1.8, use the Excel template v1.8 included in the software. Following is the list of major changes introduced in the Excel template v1.8:

  1. Status column is added for components listed in the following table. In v1.7, the default value for Status is 1; therefore, the value in the new column should be 1 to keep it compatible with the previous version.

    PageStatus added on
    LoadColumn F
    LineColumn H
    2W-TransformerColumn L
    3W-TransformerColumn T
    Multiphase LineColumn AH
    Multiphase TransformerColumn AE
  2. In page Exciter, two empty columns L and M (Efd_max and Efd_min) must be deleted.

  • Changes introduced in this version does not impact the I/O pins Excel file when using PSS/E input data format.

RT-LAB 2020.1

  • Verify the new mask of Solver has all the desired settings from the previous version.

  • Be advised if the Simulink model is saved in this version and gets reopened with a previous version of RT-LAB there will be warnings regarding missing parameters in the mask. These warnings will be gone as soon as the model is saved.

RT-LAB 2019.3

For OpenModelica based FMUs, a 32 bit compiler (in RT-LAB/Development/Compiler tab) must be chosen when the localhost is the simulation target.

RT-LAB 2019.1

  • To migrate from Excel template v1.6 to v1.7, note that the built-in components EX_T1, TG_T1, and PSS_T1 are deprecated and no longer supported.

  • Changes introduced in this version does not impact the I/O pins Excel file when using PSS/E input data format.

RT-LAB 11.3.4

  • The FMUGlossary has been moved to C:\opal-rt\RT-LAB\ v11.3.X\FMUCreator\resources\FMUGlossary.

RT-LAB 11.3.3

  • Due to changes to the FMU interface, all the older versions of FMU’s must be recreated by FMUCreator to have the extension of *.win32.fmu or *.linux32.fmu.

RT-LAB 11.3.0

  • In Excel v1.6 these components are obsolete and must be replaced by their corresponding multiphase pairs: Line 3-phase, Load 3-phase, Shunt 3-phase, Bus Faults 3-phase.

RT-LAB 11.2.2

  • For unbalanced network data imported from CYME, a Transformer component is represented by a multiphase transformer type in ePHASORSIM. The I/O pins for such a transformer could be found in Table 3 under the name of the multiphase transformer.

RT-LAB 11.2.0

  • If EPHASOR_THREADS is not defined in RT-LAB when running on Linux targets, it is automatically set to ‘2’.

  • The naming convention of the components when the data is imported from CYME has been changed. In this way, any pins file or python script using the old convention must be updated according to Table 59.

  • The file ‘PSSEv32_mapping.csv’ has major changes and it is not compatible with the earlier versions of RT-LAB.

RT-LAB 11.1.4

  • The naming convention for FMU power pins is more strict: see the Power Pin page. Existing FMUs must be updated and regenerated.

  • The file ‘Models.xls’ used for defining parameters of user-defined models is discarded and its functionality is replaced with ‘FMUGlossary.csv’.

RT-LAB 11.1.3

  • In previous releases for PSS/E input files, the corresponding Excel file could only have the Pins tab. However, from this version, the corresponding Excel input file must include the General tab with version 1.5. See the PHASOR03 demo as an example. This change does not apply to the CYME input file format.

RT-LAB 11.0.7

  • The FMUs generated by earlier versions must be recreated for compatibility with the current version of ePHASORSIM.

  • All positive sequence constant power and/or constant current loads should be converted to constant impedance loads in order to have exactly the same dynamic simulation results as 11.0.6 (and before). The conversion procedure is described as follows:

    1. For Excel input files, reconstruct loads using the initial voltage

    2. For PSS/E input files:

      • In PSS/E open the raw file and "Reconstruct loads using present voltage" to convert all loads to 100% constant admittance type.

      • Save this RAW file

      • Use this file in ePHASORSIM

    3. For both Excel and PSS/E input files in the mask of ePHASORSIM Solver, in the Simulation setting tab select the Dynamic simulation only (without power-flow)

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