eHS OP4200 Introduction

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eHS OP4200 Introduction

The eHS solver is an FPGA-based technology developed by OPAL-RT for real-time power electronics simulation. Thanks to a convenient circuit schematic graphical user interface, the FPGA code is automatically generated, making FPGA-based simulation accessible to a large number of users.

This document provides basic information on how to create a new project with a template that includes the eHS solver and how to run a real-time simulation with an example model included in the template. The guide is designed to be used by the OP4200 platform.


OPAL-RT Hardware

  • OP4200

Recommended Operating System

Microsoft Windows 7 64bits Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)

Microsoft Windows 10 64bits

Pre-Installed Software

The following software must be installed and functioning to perform the tests described in this document. Confirm that the required software is installed and test to ensure they are functioning properly.

Type >> ver on the MATLAB prompt and verify that you have the following toolboxes (or later versions of them) installed.

Recommended Configurations for Basic Use (Only Circuit Simulation)

  • MATLAB 2011b / 2012b / 2013a / 2013b / 2014b / 2015aSP1 / 2015b / 2016a / 2016b / 2017a, 32-bit or 64bits versions
  • RT-LAB v11.2 or later
  • At least one of the following tools:
    • Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) Simulink library
    • Powersim PSIM v9.3.4 or v10.0.6 or later (v10.0.5 is unsupported)
    • Plexim PLECS Simulink Library v3.7.4
    • NI Multisim 13

The RT-XSG toolbox requires the following software to generate programming files for reconfigurable devices and to program the platform:

Recommended Configuration for Firmware Generation, for Xilinx 7 Series

  • MATLAB 2014b, 64-bit version
  • Xilinx Vivado suite 2015.3 & Xilinx Vivado System Generator for DSP 2015.3
  • RT-XSG v3.1.2 or later

Licensed RT-LAB Components

You must have licenses for the following RT-LAB components to run the examples provided in this document. Verify with your sales representative that your system includes these licenses.


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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