Known Issues 1.0.0

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Known Issues 1.0.0

  • PEA-133: For frequencies below 1kHz, the PWM Generators produce signals with a frequency error. The observed error is approximately 0.02% for a 100Hz signal, 0.3% for a 10Hz signal, and 2.3% for a 1Hz signal.

  • PEA-370: If a measurement is configured to not send data to a VeriStand channels (by unchecking the To VeriStand checkbox) but is connected to a IO destination (ex. AO or Waveforms), a channel in the VeriStand system definition is still created and updated at run-time.

  • PEATT-1124: When editing a Description control in any of the system definition pages of the custom device, an error will be thrown. This error does not impact the functionality of the product and can be ignored.

  • PEATT-1127: When the custom device is disabled, there is no icon displayed.

  • PEATT-1081: In VeriStand 2024 Q3, error 1003 occurs when a circuit model is loaded. This is due to Known Issue 2798144 in version 2024 Q3 of the LabVIEW Runtime Engine. To resolve this issue, install Patch 1 for the LabVIEW Runtime Engine 2024 Q3:

  1. Close all NI software, including NI VeriStand.

  2. Open the NI Package Manager.

  3. Under the INSTALLED tab, locate the LabVIEW Runtime (64-bit) and confirm its version. If the version shown is ‘2024 Q3' or ‘,’ then the patch is not installed.

  4. Navigate to the UPDATES tab and select LabVIEW Runtime (64-bit) version ‘2024 Q3 Patch 1’ or ‘’.

  5. Click Update and reboot the machine when prompted.


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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