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There are five kinds of toolbars in the Workbench:

The main toolbar, sometimes called the Workbench toolbar, is displayed at the top of the Workbench window directly beneath the menu bar. The contents of this toolbar change based on the active perspective. Items in the toolbar might be enabled or disabled based on the state of either the active view or editor. Sections of the main toolbar can be rearranged using the mouse.
There are also individual view toolbars, which appear in the title bar of a view. Actions in a view's toolbar apply only to the view in which they appear. Some view toolbars include a Menu button, shown as an inverted triangle, that contain actions for that view.
A third type of toolbar is the perspective switcher. The perspective switcher allows quick access to perspectives that are currently open. It also has a button that can open new perspectives. The perspective switcher is normally located in the top-right, next to the main toolbar. However, it is also possible to position it below the main toolbar ("top-left"), or to position it vertically on the left-hand side of the workbench ("left"). The name of the perspectives is shown by default, but it is possible to hide the text and show only the icons. To reposition the perspective or hide the text, right-click on it and choose the appropriate item from the context menu.
Minimizing a view stack will also produce a toolbar in the trim at the outer edge of the workbench window (a Trim Stack). This bar will contain an icon for each of the views in the stack. Clicking on one of these icons will result in the view being displayed as an overlay onto the existing presentation.
Finally, the fast view bar is a toolbar that contains icons representing the current set of fast views. A fast view is a shortcut to a view that is frequently used; see the section on fast views for more information. The fast view bar appears in the bottom left corner of the workbench by default. However, it is possible to position it on the left or right as well.

Main Toolbar

The toolbar sections may be rearranged by grabbing and dragging their vertical separators. Note that sections may be added or removed by Configuring perspectives and buttons may appear or disappear when Capabilities preference page are enabled or disabled.

Toolbar icons are grayed when the corresponding commands are disallowed.

Commands are enabled according to:

  • the active part of the RT-LAB Workbench--the Editor or the View that has the focus,
  • the element selected in this active part,
  • the state of this element (for example, a running Model cannot be loaded).

From top to bottom:

Opens various wizards for resource creation.

Saves the resource currently opened in the active editor.

Builds (compile) a Model or manages build configurations.

Opens the Assignation page of a Model editor

Loads a Model.

Starts the execution of a Model.

Pauses the execution of a Model.

Stops the execution of a Model.

Takes and restores a model snapshot and load and save parameters.

Opens Matlab. Specify the version to override the default version.

Launches the ScopeView application to acquire and display signals from real-time simulation. See Using ScopeView for more information.

Probe Control
Opens the Probe Control Panel.

Runs a Python script or opens the Interactive Python Console.

Debugs a Python script.

Opens the Search View.

Next Annotation
Goes to the next annotation in the current editor. Use submenu to select annotation types to be considered (errors, bookmarks, search

Previous Annotation
Go to the previous annotation in the current editor. Use submenu to select annotation types to be considered (errors, bookmarks, search

Last Edit Location
Shows the last change that occurred within a file. Opens an editor if necessary. Hit this button several times to go back to older edit

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