Elements | - ATT_UNKNOWN: Unknown attribute. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_STRING_START: Attribute separator : beginning of string attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_COMMAND_AFTER_OPENING_MODEL: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Matlab/Xmath command to execute after opening the model (when editing and compiling).
- ATT_COMMAND_BEFORE_OPENING_MODEL: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Matlab/Xmath command to execute before opening the model (when editing and compiling).
- ATT_CONFIGURATION_PASSWORD: Type: String Applies to: RT-LAB Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG Description: Password required to change RT-LAB global settings.
- ATT_EMTPRV_ROOT_DIR: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: EMTP-RV installation directory on host computer.
- ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_ROOT_DIR: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Directory where the files retrieves by RTLAB after the model execution will be copy; See: ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_BUILD_TREE, ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_ENABLE
- ATT_MATLAB_ROOT_DIR: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Directory used to find the Matlab include and source files on target computer. Normally, it should be set to: "Automatic".
- ATT_NAME: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB (read-only), Models/Projects; Controls: None, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Symbolic name of the object. Changing this attribute will not affect the object’s filename.
- ATT_RTLAB_ROOT_DIR: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Directory to be used to find the RT-LAB executables and include files and libraries on the target computer. Normally, it should be set to: "Automatic".
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_DEVENVNODE_REDHAWK: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: OPAL-RTLinux (x86-based) Target name where the compilation is done.
- ATT_DEVENVNODE_REDHAWK64: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: OPAL-RTLinux (x64-based) Target name where the compilation is done.
- ATT_DEVENVNODE_NT: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Windows Target name where the compilation is done.
- ATT_PYTHON_ROOT_DIR: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description : Python installation directory on host computer.
- ATT_USER_COMPILATION_COMMAND: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: User command to be called on target during the compilation process.
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_USER_COMPILATION_OPTIONS: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Options used by the target compiler during the compilation process.
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_USER_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: External libraries (in addition to the standard system) used by the target linker during the linkage process.
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_USER_INCLUDE_PATH: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Target directory(s) where user include files can be found by the target compiler during the compilation process.
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_USER_LIBRARY_PATH: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description : Target directory(s) where user libraries can be found by the target linker during the linkage process.
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_USER_LINKER_OPTIONS: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Options used by the target linker during the linkage process.
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_USER_SOURCE_FILE: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Names of source files to be compiled in addition to the code generated by RTW/AutoCod by the target compiler during the compilation process.
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_USER_TLC_FILE: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Template tlc file used during the compilation of Simulink model. Normally, it should be set to Automatic.
- ATT_USER_TMF_FILE: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Template makefile file used during the compilation of Simulink model. Normally, it should be set to Automatic.
- ATT_XMATH_TARGET: Type : String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls : OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Batch file used for starting Xmath.
- ATT_DESCRIPTION: Type: String; Applies to: Project, Models; Controls: OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Sums up the objective of an object in a nutshell.
- ATT_VALUE: Type: String; Applies to: EnvironmentVariable; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG (RT-LAB children), OP_FB_SYSTEM (Model children); Description: Holds the value of an environment variable.
- ATT_IP_ADDRESS: Type: String; Applies to: Target; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: The IP address of a target node.
- ATT_DRIVE_MAPPING_HOST_DRIVE: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: The host drive in a drive mapping.
- ATT_DRIVE_MAPPING_TARGET_DRIVE: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: The target drive in a drive mapping.
- ATT_REPORT_FILE_ID: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: The report file ID.
- ATT_FTP_USER_NAME: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: The FTP user name.
- ATT_FTP_USER_PASSWORD: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: The FTP user password.
- ATT_OS: Type: String; Applies to: Target (read-only); Controls: None; Description: The operating system running on the target.
- ATT_OS_VERSION: Type: String; Applies to: Target (read-only); Controls: None; Description: The version of the operating system running on the target.
- ATT_HW_ARCHITECTURE: Type: String; Applies to: Target (read-only); Controls: None; Description: The architecture of the hardware on the target.
- ATT_STRING_END: Attribute separator: end of string attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_BOOL_START: Attribute separator: beginning of boolean attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_FREE_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT_CHECK: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Displays a warning in the RT-LAB display when the model is loading and the available disk space on target is below the specified limit of the ATT_FREE_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT attribute; See: ATT_FREE_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT_CHECK.
- ATT_CACHEABLE_DMA_MEMORY_ACCESS: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Enable caching of the memory areas used by DMA buffers yielding to faster transfer rates and increased model performances.
- ATT_COMPILE_IN_DEBUG: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: When enabled, compiler's optimization options are removed and replaced by debug options during model compilation. This option is useful when debugging a model.
- ATT_DISPLAY_CONTROLLER: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: Display the controller in the host computer taskbar.
- ATT_ENABLE_LOG_CONTROLLER: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: When enabled, all messages generated by the controller operations are stored in the controller.log file.
- ATT_ENABLE_MONITORING: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Enable monitoring during the execution of the model.
- ATT_EXTENDED_TIMEOUT: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: All timeouts are extended when this option is on. It is typically used when debugging the model.
- ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_BUILD_TREE: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Specify if intermediate folders are generated in the retrieve directory.; See: ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_ROOT_DIR, ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_ENABLE
- ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_ENABLE: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: When this option is disabled, it prevents RT-LAB to retrieve files generated by the model simulation on the host computer; See: ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_ROOT_DIR, ATT_FILE_RETRIEVAL_BUILD_TREE
- ATT_RESET_MODEL_ON_IO_MISSING: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: When this option is checked, if some I/O boards required by a model are not installed on the target(s) when the model is loaded, RT LAB will stop loading and will generate an error.
- ATT_USE_RESTRICTED_MODE: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Determines if a given model should be loaded either in "Free Clock" mode or "Restricted Clock" mode. When it is on, RT-LAB used the "Restricted Clock"; See: ATT_USE_RESTRICTED_MODE_AT
- ATT_IS_MODIFIED: Type: bool; Applies to: Project (read-only); Controls: None; Description: Is true when an object has unsaved changes.
- ATT_DETECT_OVERRUNS: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Determines if the RT-LAB detects overruns. When this value is true RT-LAB will perform the ATT_ACTION_ON_OVERRUNS action when the number of overruns detected reaches the ATT_ACTION_AFTER_N_OVERRUNS value.
- ATT_ENABLE_WATCHDOG: Type: bool; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Determines if the watchdog is enabled. The watchdog verifies that the model is still running and that processes are still alive.
- ATT_AUTOSAVE: Type: bool; Applies to: Projects; Controls: OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Determines if changes will automatically be written to disk or only to memory.
- ATT_RETURN_ON_AMBIGUITY: Type: bool; Applies to: Commands; Controls: None; Description: After a call to OpenProject determines if the “Choose Project” dialog will be shown if several projects match the search criteria.
- ATT_BOOL_END: Attribute separator: end of boolean attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_INT_START: Attribute separator: beginning of integer attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_ACTION_ON_OVERRUNS: Type: OP_ACTION_ON_OVERRUNS; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Type of actions to perform when overruns are detected. The action is executed when the number of overruns reaches the value of the ATT_DETECT_OVERRUNS attribute.; See: OP_ACTION_ON_OVERRUNS, ATT_DETECT_OVERRUNS
- ATT_DETECT_OVERRUNS: Type: int; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: When this value is 0, RT-LAB don't detect overruns. When this value is greater than 0, RT-LAB detects overruns and performs the ATT_ACTION_ON_OVERRUNS action when the number of overruns detected by RT-LAB reach this value; See: ATT_ACTION_ON_OVERRUNS
- ATT_FREE_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT: Type: int; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, Description: Lower limit in [Mo] of the available disk space of the target. Below this limit, a warning will be display in the RT_LAB display window if the warning is enabled. See: ATT_FREE_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT_CHECK
- ATT_MATLAB_VERSION: Type: OP_MATLAB_VERSION; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Matlab version used to open and compile Simulink model; See: OP_MATLAB_VERSION
- ATT_MESSAGE_PRECISION_FACTOR: Type: int; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Defines the precision of the timer reporting the time required to perform one calculation step in microseconds.
- ATT_REALTIME_COMMUNICATION_LINK: Type: OP_REALTIME_COMMUNICATION_LINK; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Defines the default target cluster’s communication medium for the targets; See: OP_REAL_TIME_COMMUNICATION_LINK
Note: This setting may differ all target platforms.
- ATT_TARGET_PLATFORM: Type: OP_TARGET_PLATFORM; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Defines the target platform to be used with the model; See: OP_TARGET_PLATFORM
- ATT_USE_RESTRICTED_MODE_AT: Type: int; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Defines the base clock period of the; model when running a model in restricted-clock mode; See: ATT_USE_RESTRICTED_MODE
- ATT_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT: Type: int; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Defines the regular time intervals the watchdog verifies that the model is still running and that processes are still active. A value of -1, disable the watchdog.
- ATT_TARGET_DISPLAY_INFORMATION: Type: OP_TARGET_DISPLAY_INFORMATION; Applies to: RT-LAB, Models; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG, OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Represents the amount of information that is displayed in the log window during execution. Setting the value from MINIMAL to EXHAUSTIVE enables you to retrieve much information, such as communications and IO initialization, that can be used to debug an expected model behavior; See: OP_TARGET_DISPLAY_INFORMATION
- ATT_REALTIME_MODE: Type: OP_REALTIME_MODE; Applies to: Models; Controls: OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: Enables you to choose from options that; define how the model’s real-time simulation can be executed on a Linux, or Windows target; See: OP_REALTIME_MODE
- ATT_SETTING_TARGET_PLATFORM: Type: OP_TARGET_PLATFORM; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: Defines the target platform to be used when setting RT-LAB attributes that depend on the platform; See: OP_TARGET_PLATFORM
- ATT_API_INSTANCE_ID: Type: OP_API_INSTANCE_ID; Applies to: Projects (read-only); Controls: None; Description: A unique ID that identifies a project.
- ATT_STATE: Type: OP_MODEL_STATE, OP_PROJECT_STATE; Applies to: Projects (read-only), Models (read-only); Controls: None; Description: Describes the current state of a model or project; See: OP_MODEL_STATE, OP_PROJECT_STATE
- ATT_CONTROLLER_DEBUGGER: Type: int; Applies to: RT-LAB; Controls: OP_FB_CONFIG; Description: The debugger used when debugging the target.
- ATT_OBJECT_TYPE: Type: OP_OBJECT_TYPE; Applies to: All objects (read-only); Controls: None; Description: The object type. Request for this attribute value causes a lookup of the object and therefore throws an exception for invalid objects.
- ATT_HW_NUMBER_CPUS: Type: int; Applies to: Targets (read-only); Controls: None; Description: The number of CPUs the target has.
- ATT_FUNCTIONAL_BLOCK: Type: OP_FUNCTIONAL_BLOCK; Applies to: Commands; Controls: None; Description: The functional block which can be controlled by a specific client.
- ATT_CONTROL_PRIORITY: Type: OP_CONTROL_PRIORITY; Applies to: Commands; Controls: None; Description: The priority level associated with a control request.
- ATT_NUM_ROWS: Type: int; Applies to: Parameters and Signals; Controls: None; Description: The number of rows of a signal or parameter.
- ATT_NUM_COLUMNS: Type: int; Applies to: Parameters and Signals; Controls: None; Description: The number of columns of a signal or parameter.
- ATT_INT_END: Attribute separator: end of integer attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_DOUBLE_START: Attribute separator: the beginning of double attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_PAUSE_TIME: Type: double; Applies to: Models; Controls: OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: This value (in seconds) specifies when the model will pause. If the value is “Inf”, the model will execute forever except if the ATT_STOP_TIME attribute is specified. See: ATT_STOP_TIME
- ATT_STOP_TIME: Type: double; Applies to: Models; Controls: OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: This value (in seconds) specifies when the model will stop. If value is “Inf”, model will execute forever except if the ATT_PAUSE_TIME attribute is specified; See: ATT_PAUSE_TIME
- ATT_TIME_FACTOR: Type: double; Applies to: Models; Controls: OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: This value when multiplied by the model’s basic calculation step (or fixed step size) supplies the final real-time and calculation time steps for the system; See: ATT_FIXED_STEP_SIZE
- ATT_FIXED_STEP_SIZE: Type: double; Applies to: Models; Controls: OP_FB_SYSTEM; Description: This value defines the basic calculation step of the model as specified in the Simulation>Parameters>Solver menu of the Simulink model file; See: ATT_TIME_FACTOR
- ATT_DOUBLE_END: Attribute separator: end of double attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_INT64_START: Attribute separator: beginning of 64-bit integer attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_REF_ID: Type: long; Applies to: All objects (read-only); Controls: None; Description: Contains a reference ID which is used to identify an object.
- ATT_HW_CPU_SPEED_ID: Type: long; Applies to: Targets (read-only); Controls: None; Description: The CPU speed of the target in Hz.
- ATT_HW_DISK_SPACE_ID: Type: long; Applies to: Targets (read-only); Controls: None; Description: Disk space available on the target in bytes.
- ATT_INT64_END: Attribute separator : end of 64-bit integer attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_FILENAME_START: Attribute separator: beginning of filename attributes. Do not use this attribute.
- ATT_FILENAME: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB (read-only), Projects, Models (read-only), Commands; Controls: None, OP_FB_SYSTEM, None; Description: The filename where an object’s nonvolatile data is stored. For RT-LAB and Projects ATT_FILENAME has the same value as ATT_SETTINGS_FILE.
- ATT_SETTINGS_FILE: Type: String; Applies to: RT-LAB (read-only), Projects, Models (read-only), Commands; Controls: None, OP_FB_SYSTEM, None; Description: The filename where an object’s settings are stored. For RT-LAB and Projects, ATT_FILENAME has the same value as ATT_SETTINGS_FILE.
- ATT_CURRENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY: Type: String; Applies to: Commands; Controls: None; Description: Optionally specifies where a relative filename is resolved from. This attribute is generated internally, but may also be specified manually.
- ATT_FILENAME_END: Attribute separator: end of filename attributes. Do not use this attribute.