TestDrive | Glossary of Terms

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TestDrive | Glossary of Terms

Control Mode

In the Control mode, users can select a panel to command the simulator. They can run the simulator and control it through the physical knobs and switches and using the panel components. When operating in Control mode, the user can

record a macro. The Control mode can be accessed from the Mode menu or from

the Mode toolbar.

Customize Mode

This mode allows users to customize the panels, i.e., assign signals to components (controls and indicators), organize the components on the panels, and enable extra components. The Customize mode can be accessed from the Mode menu or from the Mode toolbar.

TestDrive Interface

The TestDrive system's graphical user interface is divided into three parts: the toolbox, the application panes, and the customization pane. The application panes and their components are fixed. The customization pane displays various user-designed TestDrive sub-panels which can contain a large variety of components.



Field Programmable Gate Array

Controls are graphical objects that are displayed in the TestDrive Interface, like buttons, tab controls, list boxes, etc. They facilitate interaction between the user and the system. Some of the controls, referred to as panel components are user-customizable and directly operate the simulator.

Customization Pane

The customization pane displays various sub-panels depending on the task currently being performed. It is surrounded, at its left by the toolbox and at its top, right, and bottom by the application panes.


A macro contains a series of actions recorded while they are performed on the TestDrive Interface. The recorded macro is a Python script that is editable using the Python editor or any other text editor. When the recorded macro (script) runs, the steps recorded are executed from beginning to end as would any script.

Mode of Operation

A mode of operation is a state in which the software is to allow the user to perform a set of specific actions.


A module is an electronic board performing a specific function such as a Pulse Driven Load Module, a Reference Pulse Generation Module, etc.

Module Configuration

Each system module has a configuration dialog box that allows users to configure the module parameters. The Module Configuration dialog boxes can be accessed from the Config group of the Config/Panels tab control.

Observe Mode

The Observe mode lets users be spectators to the system. No command can be sent to the simulator in that mode; all panel components are disabled and grayed out. Using this mode, the support personnel can observe the users' actions on the panel while they are using the simulator, and in the same way, the support personnel can perform or correct configuration problems while the user is observing. The Observe mode can be accessed from the Mode menu or from the Mode toolbar. Many users can be in the Observe mode at the same time.

Application Panes

There are three application panes: the top, right, and bottom panes. They contain indicators and controls to interact with the simulator. Together with the toolbox, they enclose the customizable pane.



Panes are a section of the TestDrive Interface. A pane contains a selection of components to interact with the users.

See Sub-Panel.

Panel Components

Panel components are controls, i.e., graphical objects displayed in the panes and sub-panels to help users interact with the simulator. The panel components are user-customizable and are used to display data coming from the simulator or to send data to the simulator.

Primary Chassis

The primary chassis is the main or master chassis where the computer is installed.


A script is a small program written in the Python programming language. When a script runs, it sends commands to the simulator.

Script Action Window

The resizable window allows users to view the script lines as they are being executed.

Secondary Chassis

The secondary chassis is a slave chassis that does not include an ATX computer board. The chassis includes power and communication backplanes and a base module. The primary chassis computer controls the secondary chassis using Signal Wire that is Opal-RT's proprietary communication protocol.

Signal Tree

The Signal Tree is one of the TestDrive Interface tools consisting of a structured

view, displaying the model signals and their aliases. In the TestDrive Interface, the Signal Tree is displayed when the Customize mode is selected.



A sub-panel is a panel that is embedded inside another. For conciseness, sub-panels can also be referred to as panels in the TestDrive Interface.

The system includes all the hardware and software components that make up TestDrive.

System Configuration

The System Configuration dialog box is used to identify and configure the modules that are part of the system. The System Configuration dialog box can be accessed from the Tools menu.

Tactile Interface Module

The Tactile Interface Module is the TestDrive chassis' front plane containing a tablet PC, knobs, switches, and LEDs to monitor and control the system.



The toolbox is the left-most portion of the TestDrive Interface. It encloses the various toolbars.

A view allows the user to display or hide certain groups of controls depending on the users' needs at the time.

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