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Register Component in FMUGlossary
This step is required only if the input data file is not Excel file.
The new component name, type, and its parameters must be defined in the FMUGlossary.csv
file located at C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\[RT-LAB Version]\FMUCreator\resources\FMUGlossary\FMUGlossary.csv
To add a new component to the existing ones in this file, the following fields must be filled in:
ID | A unique ID per FMU. Can be generated by the following MATLAB command: UUID = java.util.UUID.randomUUID |
Name | The name of the component. This name must be exactly the same as the name of the component that appears in the Modelica’s library. For example: GENROU, EXST1, GAST, etc. |
Type | There are 6 types of components: |
| |
Number of Parameters | Insert the number of parameters for each component. This value must match the number of parameters to be followed in the same row. |
Parameters... | Used for naming the parameters of a component. The same parameter names must exist in the component in the Modelica library. To avoid the confusion of the parameter names when different components are combined to build a GenUnit, it is recommended to use the following suffixes depending on the component type, defined in the ‘Type’ section: |
Note: The order of parameters is not important in this file.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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