This block is used to configure 8 2-input dot product (DP2). Results from DP2 are sent through SFP link to an other eHS core.
Result of each DP2 is equal to
Signal1 * Gain1 + Signal2 * Gain2
Mask Parameters
DP2 Tabs
Signal 1 and 2: This is used to choose which measurement from eHS is used.
Gain 1 and 2: This indicates the gain to apply to Signal 1 and Signal 2 respectively.
Configuration Tab
Controller name: Links this block to an OpCtrl block by entering the same 'Controller Name' as specified in the OpCtrl block. The OpCtrl block controls initialization of the settings of one specific FPGA-based card in the system.
LoadIn port number: This should reflect the LoadIn port used to configure the block on the FPGA.
Signal name list selection: This value is used to populate the different popup list for the measurement configuration.
Custom signal name list: This value is used to give custom signal list to the popup list for the measurement configuration.
Sampling time: This value is the sampling time of the simulation.
This block has no input
The Status output returns the following values:
Value | Description |
0 | No error. |
-1 | Block could not be matched with an OpCtrl block (check the 'controller Name' value), or card initialization problem. |
-2 | Internal memory initialization problem. |
Characteristics and limitations
Direct Feedthrough | N/A |
Discrete sample time | YES |
XHP support | YES |
Work offline | NO |
If you require more information, please contact