Wave Reference (Three-phase)

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Wave Reference (Three-phase)

Page Content

The wave reference block generates the three-phase reference signal that drives the semiconductor bridge by regulating the real and imaginary components of the instantaneous currents (d and q) according to the input reference current Id and Iq. The wave reference block produces the three-phase reference signal used to drive the semiconductor bridge. This control is achieved by adjusting the real and imaginary components of the instantaneous currents (in the d and q coordinate frames) based on the input reference currents, Id and Iq. The output of the block can be configured to be a duty ratio or instantaneous voltage value. The block contains the current controller and also implements active islanding detection methods (IDM) conjointly with the protection system by modifying the reference current waveform. 

Mask and Parameters

The Wave Reference block contains the following tabs in the configuration mask:

  • Configuration

  • Current Controller

  • Output Filter

Configuration Tab








Nominal Operating Voltage (Vrms LL)

Nominal Line-Line voltage of the grid


Rated Apparent Power (VA)

The inverter's capacity when expressed in per unit values.


Rated DC Link Voltage (V)

The Rated voltage of the DC link when expressed in per unit values and is essential for the dynamic saturation of the current controller.


Output Signal Selection

Select the output reference signal: Inverter Voltage or Duty Ratio.


Islanding Detection Enabled?

Enable islanding detection (Yes/No)


Enable Momentary Cessation (VRTm = 2)

Activate the input for the VRTm signal. This signal is generated by the Voltage Protection block. When VRTm = 2, the internal current reference of the block becomes zero. The converter will still be connected and operating without injecting current.


Sample Time

Sample time for simulation of the component. 


Current Controller Tab







Current Controller Type

Select the implementation type for the current controller: PI (Proportional Integral) or Custom Transfer Function.


PI Controller Proportional Gain

Proportional gain for the PI current controller, when used.


PI Controller Integral Gain

Integral gain for the PI current controller, when used.


Custom Controller Numerator Coefficients

The custom controller transfer function numerator polynomial coefficients, [an an-1 … a0], when used.


Custom Controller Denominator Coefficients

The custom controller transfer function denominator polynomial coefficients, [bn bn-1 … b0], when used.


Output Filter Tab


