Electric Courseware Software Requirements and Setup

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Electric Courseware Software Requirements and Setup

This page explains how to install and configure all the software required to execute a courseware.


Danielle S. Nasrallah, eng., Ph.D.
Wolf Peter Jean Philippe, Ph.D.
Angelo Chrabieh

Table of Contents

List of Figures

1. Installation of OPAL-RT Packages

To run OPAL-RT’s courseware, you must start by installing the following four OPAL-RT packages:

  •   RT-LAB v2024.3.2.48

  •   ARTEMIS v7.10.1.21

  •   RT-EVENTS v4.7.8.14

  •   TestDrive v2.9.0.16

1.1 Installation of RT-LAB

Figure 1: RT-LAB installation wizard

1.2 Installation of ARTEMIS

Figure 2: ARTEMIS installation wizard

1.3 Installation of RT-EVENTS

Figure 3: RT-EVENTS installation wizard

1.4 Installation of TestDrive

Figure 4: TestDrive installation wizard
  • This may take around 45 minutes and requires your approval for every component.

  • Restart your computer at the end of the installation.

2. License Request and Installation

2.1 Request a License

  • For each PC in which a courseware is going to run, execute the file entitled §  machine_id.exe located in: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\v2024.3.0.21\common\bin as follows:

Figure 5: Location of the executable file machine_id.exe
  • Retrieve the generated file entitled: machine_id.opal

  • Send the retrieved files for all the PCs to the courseware team.

  • A license will be generated for these specific PCs.

2.2 Install a License

  • Launch RT-LAB and go to the workbench.

  • Click on Targets, you must see the localhost as shown below:

Figure 6: Localization of localhost

  • Double-click on localhost. You will obtain the following on the right side:

Figure 7: Deployment of target: localhost
  • Choose the license tab and click on Install as shown below:

Figure 8: Installation and activation of the license

3. Running Courseware

  • Launch the MetaController v2024.3.2.48

  • You are supposed to obtain the corresponding icon in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen as shown here below the yellow arrow:

Figure 9: Launch the MetaController
  • Launch TestDrive (a shortcut of TestDrive is created on your desktop during installation)

  • Click on Unpack

  • Unpack the selected courseware, for example: Machine_Synchrone.zip as presented below:

Figure 10: Unpack the Courseware
  • Click on OK.

  • Once you are done with the laboratory session, click on exit, you get the following:

Figure 11: Reset the model
  • Select “Yes” to reset the model.


  1. https://www.opal-rt.com/courseware/

  2. https://opal-rt.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PCOURSEWARE/overview

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OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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