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Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
For software installation and setup, please see this page: Electric Courseware Software Requirements and Setup
Byamba Wicki
Celina Spiess
Sven Achermann
Philippe Viarouge
David Cajander
Angelo Chrabieh
Wolf Peter Jean Philippe
Page Content
- 1 1. Introduction: Describing the main contents of the laboratories
- 2 2. Description of the Virtual Laboratory
- 2.1 2.1 General Electrical Diagram
- 2.2 2.2 Different Types of Configurations
- 2.2.1 2.2.1 Network
- 2.2.2 2.2.2 Transformer
- 2.2.3 2.2.3 Passive Load
- a) Single Phase
- b) Three-Phase
- 3 3. User Interface Panels
Section Content
List of Figures
Figure 1: Complete electrical diagram
Figure 2: Methodology for transitioning from a three-phase circuit topology to that of a single-phase circuit
Figure 3: Topology of the transformer
Figure 4: State of the switches and configurations of single phase loads
Figure 5: State of the switches and configurations of three phase loads
Figure 6: Network and Transformer tab & Passive Loads tab
Figure 7: Example 1 of the user interface of the “Network and Transformer” tab
Figure 8: Example 2 of the user interface of the “Network and Transformer” tab
Figure 9: User interface of the “Oscilloscope” tab
List of Tables
Table 1: Control switches and LED status indicators for the fuses in “Network and Transformer”
Table 2: Control switches in the “Passive Loads” tab
Table 3: Control switches in the “Network and Transformer” tab
Table 4: Control switches in the “Oscilloscope” tab
1. Introduction: Describing the main contents of the laboratories
The purpose of this virtual laboratory is to assimilate and apply theoretical knowledge. In particular, it involves understanding how processes work, implementing devices and equipment, using instrumentation, and processing measurements.
The laboratory aims to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and the conduct of experiments by providing a guiding framework that allows students to focus on the experiment’s subject without initially having to worry about all the components needed for the experiments.
This virtual laboratory is designed to provide exercises to improve the understanding and mastery of the fundamental principles of electrical engineering . Laboratory exercises are an essential complement to the theory. They allow students to experiment with various circuits and applications. Therefore, users can take advantage of this virtual simulator to understand their behavior with varying levels of complexity.
This courseware will cover the following subjects:
Single-Phase Systems
Three-Phase Systems
Single-Phase Transformer (Coming soon)
Three-Phase Transformer (Coming soon)
Harmonics (Coming soon)
2. Description of the Virtual Laboratory
2.1 General Electrical Diagram
The overall electrical diagram of the laboratory can be configured interactively using contactors, as shown in Figure 1 below. It provides the ability to adjust the voltage source in either single-phase or three-phase mode, whether it is balanced or not, with adjustable or non-adjustable harmonic components. Additionally, it is possible to control the tension engagement angle. Transformers supplied by these networks undergo standardized identification tests, such as short-circuit tests and no-load tests.
The main elements of the laboratory are as follows:
A three-phase network with three adjustable sources for both the fundamental and harmonics.
A circuit breaker with adjustable parameters.
A transformer that can be deactivated by short-circuiting it or by creating an open circuit.
Two blocks of series and parallel resistors.
Six measurement points for voltage, current, and power for each phase. There is also the Fortescue transformation of the network.
Contactors to create different circuits, with lamps to indicate open and closed switches.
This interactive display of the electrical diagram with lamps indicating open and closed contactors allows the user to quickly grasp the structure of the entire laboratory circuit. This diagram enables the creation of both single-phase and three-phase circuits.
2.2 Different Types of Configurations
In general, there are three components that can be modified to achieve the desired circuit and scenario.
2.2.1 Network
The network is designed so that you can adjust the frequency, amplitude, and phase shift of each phase. The voltage source operates in either single-phase or three-phase mode. Furthermore, the network’s measurement values are displayed directly.
The network is equipped with a circuit breaker, which is part of the standard protection equipment. It allows for circuit interruption in case of overload or short circuit. Generally, it consists of a thermal trip and a magnetic trip. In this laboratory, a functionality has been added to trip the circuit breaker if the voltage drops below a certain threshold.
2.2.2 Transformer
Experiments can be conducted with a transformer by configuring it in various ways to achieve the desired setup. When it is not in use, it is short-circuited, and passive loads are supplied power without the transformer. In this case, the windings are isolated to avoid interfering with the rest of the circuit. By also short-circuiting the loads, short-circuit tests can be performed.
2.2.3 Passive Load
a) Single Phase
There are six branches of passive loads available, each consisting of a series RLC load and a parallel RLC load, as well as three passive loads in the neutral wires. These loads can be modified and arranged based on the state of the contactors and Figure 2 to create different couplings. As mentioned, when the single-phase option is chosen, the additional sources are automatically grounded and nullified for single-phase couplings. The different possible single-phase couplings are illustrated below:
b) Three-Phase
There are six branches of passive loads available, each consisting of a series RLC load and a parallel RLC load, as well as three passive loads in the neutral wires. These loads can be modified and arranged based on the state of the contactors and Figure 2 to create different couplings. The different possible three-phase couplings are illustrated below:
3. User Interface Panels
The tabs constitute the interactive interface of the virtual laboratory, which includes access to settings, measurement displays, and the electrical diagram. This interface allows users to manually control the virtual laboratory by modifying network and protection settings, assembling the electrical diagram, and observing measurements.
The user interface screen is divided into two distinct parts. On the left side of the screen, there is a control panel with several sub-windows selectable by tabs:
A Network and Transformer sub-window “Network and Transformer” that allows control of the operating modes and settings of power supplies, the transformer, grounding connections, and circuit breakers.
A Passive Loads sub-window “Passive Loads” that enables control, adjustment, and configuration of the six passive loads.
On the right side of the screen, there is a control panel with several display sub-windows selectable by tabs:
An “Oscilloscope” sub-window with interactive display settings for the respective measurement points.
A Measurements and Calculations sub-window “Network and Transformer” displaying the specific topology of the ongoing experiment, measurement displays, settings, and the spectrum analyzer display.
A “Help” sub-window that allows the user to understand and visualize the wiring of the ongoing experiment at any time by displaying the status of different contactors on the overall electrical diagram.
This section serves as a comprehensive reference for the features of the components present on the user interface screen.
3.1 Transformer and Circuit Breaker Tab
Figure 6 displays the user interface for electrical supplies in virtual laboratories. It provides interactive options to adjust the fundamental settings of power supplies, such as frequency, amplitude, and phase shift for each phase, along with buttons to enable or disable various operating modes.
3.1.1 Network
In the network settings, frequency, voltage, and phase can be defined using input fields or sliders. The network can be set as a single-phase network, and the phases can be defined as balanced. In case the phases are unbalanced, the voltage and phase shift of phases B and C can be independently modified. Using a button, the network can be energized.
3.1.2 Transformer
There are three different modes for the transformer branch: short circuit, open circuit, or transformer.
3.1.3 Circuit Breaker
The rated current of the circuit breaker can be adjusted, and there are three different thermal modes as well as a choice of four magnetic modes. Three lamps indicate the status of the circuit breaker and the fault that triggered the protection. If the circuit breaker has tripped, its control needs to be reactivated.
3.1.4 Overview of the Panels
FUNCTION | Interface/ | Description |
Command Switches |
A |
| Phase A is deactivated. |
| Phase A is active. | |
B | Phase B is deactivated. | |
Phase B is active. | ||
C | Phase C is deactivated. | |
Phase C is active. | ||
Power up | The voltage source is deactivated; the circuit is de-energized. | |
The voltage source is activated; the circuit is energized. | ||
Phase Inversion | Phases are not inverted. | |
| Phases are inverted. | |
Single-phase network | The voltage source is three-phase. | |
The voltage source is single-phase. | ||
Balanced phases | Phases are not balanced. | |
Phases are balanced. | ||
Control | Circuit breaker control is not activated. | |
Circuit breaker control is activated. | ||
Thermal reset | Thermal protection is not tripped. | |
Thermal protection is tripped. | ||
No protection | The circuit is protected; the protection is activated. | |
The circuit is unprotected; the protection is deactivated. | ||
Fuses | LED indicators | |
Circuit breaker |
| The circuit breaker is tripped. |
| The circuit breaker is intact. | |
Thermal |
| The thermal component of the circuit breaker is tripped. |
| The thermal component of the circuit breaker is intact. | |
Magnetic |
| The magnetic component of the circuit breaker is tripped. |
| The magnetic component of the circuit breaker is intact. |
Table 1: Control switches and LED status indicators for the fuses in “Network and Transformer”
3.2 Passive Loads Tab
The user interface for passive loads used in virtual laboratories is presented in Figures 4 and 5. It includes interactive adjustment devices for resistances, inductances, and capacitances for each phase, as well as buttons to enable/disable balanced coupling mode for three-phase loads. When the “Balanced Circuit” option is activated, it is not possible to adjust phases B and C. Additionally, the “Star grounded” button can be selected but is not used in this protocol.
In this tab, the circuit configuration can be chosen. If in the “Measurements and Calculations” tab the “Automatic Tab” button has been selected, the complete configuration is made automatically. There are eight different automatic configurations:
Open circuit
A1 + B1//C1
A + B//C
H bridge
A1//B1 + A2 + B2//C2
Short circuit
There are four different components to adjust: Z_1_series, Z_1_parallel, Z_2_series, and Z_2_parallel. In the following exercises, only Z_1_series and Z_1_parallel will be used. For each phase (A, B, C), there is an impedance (series or parallel) to adjust, and there are 8 different adjustment possibilities: Short circuit, open circuit, R, C, L, RC, RL, and RLC. Depending on the choice made, the selected value can now be entered in the corresponding window.
3.2.1 Overview of the Panels
FUNCTION | Interface/ | Description |
Command Switches |
Star grounded | The star point is floating. | |
The star point is grounded. | ||
Balanced Circuit (there is a button for each impedance)
| The phase impedances are not balanced. | |
The phase impedances are balanced. |
Table 2: Control switches in the “Passive Loads” tab
3.3 Measurements and Calculations Tab
In the “N