Examples | CIGRE integrator

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Examples | CIGRE integrator



This example model only works on offline (Windows) simulation


This example model can be found in the software under the category "How To" with the filename "CIGRE_Integrator.ecf".


This model demonstrates the implementation of a user-defined block that follows the IEEE/Cigre DLL Modeling Method V1.1 (February 29, 2024).

Simulation and Results

The model consists of three blocks that are performing a numerical integration using the forward Euler method. 

Let the input signal of the block, the output signal is

with given by a control parameter.


The CIGRE user-defined block is implemented using a shared library (.dll).

A second block replicates the same integrator but is embedded within a UCM (imported from a Simulink model).

Additionally, a point-on-wave feature is incorporated into the model to synchronize input signals during Scopeview acquisitions.


To visualize the results of a running simulation, a ScopeView template named "CIGRE_Integrator.svt" is provided.

This enables quick comparisons of all block output values against each other.

Both blocks are non-direct feedthrough blocks, as they each contain a state.


CIGRE_1.input is the signal entering the CIGRE library

UCM1.In1 is the signal entering the integrator exported from Simulink


CIGRE_1.output is the signal that is generated from the CIGRE library

UCM1.Out1 is the signal that is generated from the integrator exported from Simulink


Results Interpretation:
As expected, the input values entering each block are identical, and all output values (integrated signals) match. This validates that the CIGRE block correctly integrates signals in alignment with the Simulink model.



[ 1 ] https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/integrator.html

[ 2 ] https://www.cigre.org/

See Also

Integrator source files:


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