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Examples | PSCAD Import IEEE 39-Bus System


This example model can be found in the software under the category "How To" with the file name "PSCAD_Import_39_Bus.ecf". The PSCAD reference model is provided with this example in folder PSCAD_ref_model, and the folder structure of this example is as follows:

├─ PSCAD_Import_39_Bus.ecf

├─ PSCAD_Import_39_Bus.svt

├─ PSCAD_Import_39_Bus.csv

├─ PSCAD_Import_39_Bus_hyp

├─ PSCAD_ref_model

└─ IEEE_39_bus.pscx

└─ intermediate.pslx

└─ lib


The IEEE 39-bus system is well known as 10-machine New-England Power System original presented in [1], which consists of 10 generators, 39 busbars, 12 transformers and 19 loads. The original benchmark network is an example model in PSCAD v5 [2], extra components are added to test fault transients in the PSCAD reference model provided with this example. Then, the PSCAD reference model is imported to HYPERSIM via []. In both the PSCAD reference model and imported HYPERSIM example model, each machine (generator) is represented as a voltage source, and its source impedance is arbitrarily set at 10 Ohms. This example demonstrates that the PSCAD model has been imported successfully and all the components have been mapped with the correct parameters in HYPERSIM. All the necessary components required to complete the IEEE-39 bus benchmark model in HYPERSIM are available at . For this example, two fault scenarios are considered on Bus 1. Users can modify fault times as required or add new faults to other buses as well.

Import the PSCAD model

The network Import tool can effectively save time when importing models from PSCAD to HYPERSIM for the IEEE 39-Bus System. The figure below presents the PSCAD import workflow:

The content of the PSCAD file is converted to a list of objects that are filtered to specifically find the power and control components and their parameters. These components and parameters are then mapped to their corresponding elements in the Unified Database (UDB). Finally, once the model is imported to the database, the exporter generates the HYPERSIM model.

The steps to import the PSCAD model with HYPERSIM are listed below:

1. Create a new HYPERSIM model

2. follow the steps in to import the model

3. Wait until the end of the import process. A message “Import successful” in the Import Panel interface indicates that the import is completed

It is noted that, two extra breakers and one three-phase fault components have been added in the PSCAD model IEEE_39_bus.pscx prior importing as

This is to simulate and validate the imported HYPERSIM model during the fault transients, and the breakers, fault component, and timed control devices will be imported to HYPERSIM as well. It is noted that the breaker components will be imported and configured as externally controlled devices. Moreover, the fixed load component from Intermediate Library is used, i.e., the referencing definition of the fixed_load is switched from the master library to Intermediate Library. The Intermediate Library [3] is a collection of library models that are being developed post-release, using this library for the PSCAD reference model is intended to fix the bug on the fixed_load component (bug number 2 listed in [3]).

It is further noted that HYPERSIM circuit will be automatically built in the schematic. A conversion report is generated in the location of the PSCAD file, which contains log files of the import process.

In the current version, some connections appear to be general signals instead of three-phase signals but this is not a problem in the simulation.

A three-phase load appears to be isolated from the network, but the connection is actually made through the bus name. These display issues will be corrected in a future version.

Record HYPERSIM results with Datalogger

The model time step used in HYPERSIM is 5 µs to match the PSCAD simulation settings. The HYPERSIM is used to record all the desired sensor measurements from t = 0 s to t = 1 s and a decimation factor of 10 is used. In addition to the pre-selected sensors provided in this example, users can follow the instructions to record additional sensors as shown in
In order to setup the datalogger:

1. Click on the Control Center icon located in the Data logger group in the HYPERSIM TAB

This opens the Data Logger window as

2. Select the Signal Groups (1) to access the options of the default configuration

3. Uncheck the Output file auto naming. This way, only one recorded data file is created and overwritten at each simulation

4. Set the Frame length to 1 s

5. Set the Decimation factor to 10

6. Set the number of frames to 1

Thus, similar to PSCAD, the first 1 s simulation results are recorded in HYPERSIM at a plot time step of 50 µs. The users can then run the imported IEEE 39-bus Benchmark in HYPERSIM and compare voltage and current measurements at different buses with PSCAD.

The provided template, PSCAD_Import_39_Bus.svt, can be utilized to compare simulation recordings from PSCAD and HYPERSIM. It is noted that the source files need to be replaced before playing the recorded data . The users need to run IEEE_39_bus.pscx located at PSCAD_ref_model to generate the PSCAD recordings in advance; then, the .inf extension file for PSCAD source can be found at the temp folder .\PSCAD_ref_model\IEEE_39_bus.if15_x86. The .oprec file can be found at the recordings folder at PSCAD_Import_39_Bus_hyp after running the imported model PSCAD_Import_39_Bus.ecf.

Simulation and Results

As part of the example model setup, a three-phase to ground fault is implemented. By modifying the parameters of fault components, the user can perform various fault transients to verify the accuracy of the imported model. Two test scenarios are considered in this example.

Scenario 1: Three-phase fault on Bus 1

The default scenario configured in the PSCAD reference model is a three-phase ground fault on Bus 1, which is applied at Bus 1 at 0.3s for 0.2s. After importing the model, the three-phase fault scenario is automatically configured inside the HYPERSIM model. The fault component symbol and window in the imported model are shown below

The fault time of the PSCAD model is mapped to the timed fault logic component, and the same fault time as the PSCAD model is automatically configured inside the HYPERSIM model as

However, the user can change these settings to simulate different fault transients. Changing the values of TF and DF for the timed fault logic component can configure the fault activation and clear times, respectively.

It is noted that PSCAD reference model disconnects the Bus 1 from the system with two breakers at 0.4s, the PSCAD breakers and switching operation are imported to the HYPERSIM model as well. The breaker operation time is configured with breaker logic component as

The following figures compare the HYPERSIM (REC1) and PSCAD (PSC1) simulation results following the three-phase fault on Bus 1.

It is noted that instantaneous waveforms measured from the imported HYPERSIM model perfectly overlaps with the results from PSCAD reference model. This validates the accuracy of imported HYPERSIM model.


Scenario 2: Single-phase fault on Bus 1

The second scenario used to validate this model is a Phase-A to ground fault. Similar to scenario 1, the default times for this fault are set to activate at 0.3s and clear 0.2s later. By default, this scenario is disabled and only the three-phase fault described in the scenario 1 is enabled. To activate this fault it is necessary to change the fault type as shown below.

For this test, the fault settings are modified in the imported HYPERSIM model as:

It is assumed that the timed fault logic component and breakers used to disconnect Bus 1 operated in the same manner as scenario 1; thus, no further modifications are required.

The following figures compare the HYPERSIM (REC1) and PSCAD (PSC1) simulation results following the Single-phase fault on Bus 1.

The accuracy of the imported model is also verified with an unbalanced fault, the imported HYPERSIM model provides decent accuracy when compared to the PSCAD reference model.


[1] T. Athay, R. Podmore and S. Virmani, "A Practical Method for the Direct Analysis of Transient Stability," in IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-98, no. 2, pp. 573-584, March 1979, doi: 10.1109/TPAS.1979.319407.

[2] [PSCAD Models and Examples]
[3] [Intermediate Library for PSCAD V5]

See Also

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