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Network data
Page Content
- 1 Shared Options
- 2 Excel
- 3 PSS/E
- 4 CYME
- 5 PowerFactory
Shared Options
The Network data tab links the data files with the ePHASORSIM solver.
The input files and the Simulink model should be saved in one single folder matching the MATLAB current working directory.
The name of the OPAL files that are created and transferred to the target is based on the name of the Excel file (*.xlsx file name).
Any change in the input files content or in the mask are applied when the network data is converted to OPAL format.
Name | This field allows user to specify a unique name for each solver where more than one exists in a Simulink model. |
Input file format | The user can choose between Excel, PSS/E, CYME and PowerFactory input file formats. Different configurations get activated in the mask depending on this selection. See the figures below for examples of various inputs. |
Complete network or I/O pins v2.0 file (*.xlsx) | This is a common field used to configure the network data and incoming/outgoing pins for the Solver block. User can select the file directly using the Select button or open the file specified in this field using the Open button. |
Refresh netlist only when the simulation starts | Large networks may be lengthy to read and parse. This option delays the conversion process until the simulation starts. When unchecked, the conversion is done when OK is clicked instead. This field is common to all input formats. |
Complete network (*.xlsx) | This field is used to configure the input and output pins for the Solver block and contains network data for ePHASORSIM. Clicking the link below this field opens an empty template of the Excel input file. |
I/O pins file | The Excel file with only General and Pins pages are required. pins file must be in xlsx extension v2.0. |
RAW file | Raw data file must be specified here (*.raw). |
DYR file | Dynamic data file must be specified here (*.dyr). |
Import from CYME for balanced networks is disabled for RT-LAB 2021.1 and newer versions. To be able to import balanced networks, please use RT-LAB v2020.4 or older versions.
The FMU feature does not support the unbalanced three-phase systems for CYME input file format.
I/O pins file | The Excel file with only the Pins page is required. |
SXST file (*.sxst) | Netlist containing network data must be specified here (*.sxst). |
Power-flow report (*.xls) [optional] | An Excel file, containing the bus voltages exported from CYME’s power-flow, to be used for dynamic initialization (*.xls). |
Unbalanced | Should be checked if the input data file is for unbalanced system. Otherwise, the netlist is assumed to be balanced and ePHASORSIM constructs the positive sequence equivalent circuit of the system. The link below this option opens the user guide page for CYME import. |
The user must export a DGS file of PowerFactory database in XML format to be imported in ePHASORSIM.
The imported data from PowerFactory will be mapped in ePHASORSIM to its positive sequence library of models, which are representative of transmission systems.
Delta configurations, unbalanced faults and behaviours are generally not supported.
I/O pins file | The Excel file with only General and Pins pages is required. This file must be in xlsx extension. |
DGS file (XML format) | PowerFactory DigSILENT interface file (DGS in XML format) which includes all data for the network topology and component parameters. The link below this field opens the user guide page for PowerFactory import. |
Import Switches | This feature gives the user the option to import bus breakers or not. Importing unused bus breakers specially in large networks can unnecessarily increase the number of components and nodes. |
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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