Extended logging and model validation

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Extended logging and model validation

If EPHASOR_VALIDATORS variable not set, input validation of the model will not be performed. This could potentially lead to crashes of the model / MATLAB due to duplicated component names or broken references.

Note: Running these validators for large-scale systems can add a significant time to initialization process.
Therefore, it is recommended to disable them after an initial validation has been successfully completed.

For offline simulations the user can get more detailed logs by setting these environment variables, either in RT-LAB UI or in Advanced systems settings of Windows:


Allowed Values



Allowed Values



  • 1 to enable

  • 0 or unset to disable

Enable to generate a log file named after the network file. It includes a detailed information in case the inversion of the impedance matrix for a multiphase component fails.


A comma-separated list of the following validators:

  • name

  • link

The name validator checks the model for duplicated component names and raises an error if a collision has been found.

The link validator checks for broken references in the model.

E.g. transformer connected to a non-existing bus.


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