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The ePHASORSIM Solver block validates the network data, and will display an appropriate message if any of its requirements are not satisfied. This will result in a data error report. When this occurs, all the generated files will be moved to a folder named ‘[XLS file name].DataError.bak’.

This backup directory will be deleted automatically if the error is corrected.

Some situations that can cause the data error to be issued are explained in this section.

No Dynamic Data

If the network data is given in PSS/e format, a data error can occur if an in-service machine in the RAW file with no corresponding dynamic data in the DYR file.

An additional file, named ‘[XLS file name].nodyndata.txt’ will be created with more information about which component is missing dynamic data.

To resolve this error, ensure all in-service machines have dynamic data registered in the DYR file.

Unsupported PSS/e Built-In Components

If the network data is given in PSS/e format, and the checkbox Use built-in models is checked in the mask of the Solver block, the DYR file can only contain the models listed in PSS/e DYR file. The use of any other dynamic models will result in a data error, with a diagnostic message.

Additionally, a file named ‘[XLS file name].unsupported.txt’ will be created, detailing which models are not supported, along with the bus name they are connected to.

To resolve this problem, remove or comment out the unsupported components in the DYR file.

Unsupported PSSe FMU Components

If the network data is given in PSS/e format, and the checkbox Use built-in models in the mask of the Solver block is unchecked, the DYR file can only contain component types that are registered in the ‘models.xls’ file.

The ‘models.xls’ file can be located by using MATLAB’s ‘which’ command, such as ‘which models.xls’.

A file named ‘[XLS file name].unsupported.txt’ will be created, which will list the invalid items along with the bus name they are connected to.

To resolve this problem, remove or comment the offending component from the DYR file. Alternatively, the missing component type can be added to ‘models.xls’.

Error for unsupported models
Error for unsupported models

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