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To run ePHASORSIM, both host and target computers need to have appropriate licenses installed.
Licence Key | Feature |
| Enables ePHASORSIM on a real-time target. |
| Enables ePHASORSIM offline (on Windows host). |
| Maximum size of a power system (in number of nodes) that can be simulated by ePHASORSIM. |
| Enables ePHASORSIM’s PSS/E data file input feature. |
| Enables ePHASORSIM’s CYME data file input feature. |
| Enables ePHASORSIM’s PowerFactory data file input feature. |
| Enables power-flow computation on the host |
| Enables ePHASORSIM’s Python API feature. |
Parallel Processing | |
| Maximum number of cores that can be used for simulation on a Linux target. |
| Enables parallel computation for generator units in the embedded library and FMUs (machines and their controllers). |
| Enables partitioning of the power system: when the power system is partitioned, the network’s nodal equations are computed in parallel. |
FMU Creation | |
| Enables FMUCreator to use Dymola as a tool to build FMUs compatible with ePHASORSIM. |
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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