eFPGASIM Aggregated Release Notes

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eFPGASIM Aggregated Release Notes

Version 2.21.2

Version 2.20.2

Version 2.19.2




New Features

  • Support Hall Effect sensor speed ratio in PMSM and BLDC Machine models

  • Support OP4815 hardware platform (Versal)

  • Support change in cut-off frequency f table inputs low-pass filter for PMSM Variable DQ in Schematic Editor Workflow.

  • Change Versal Dual Active Bridge example model solver strategy to 'lowest latency'.

  • Display more information in the eHSBuildReport about the number of components used. Improved readability of the report.

Bug fixes

  • Fix inverted Vsq and Vsq signal positions for first machine in Im with Saturation XSG block description

  • Fix the Advanced command block of the PMSM VDQ and PMSMS SH machines in SPS.


New Features

  • Support 3-level NPC in eHS Gen5(EFS-6200)

  • Support 3-level T-Type in eHS Gen5(EFS-6200)

  • Support FD Line in the Schematic Editor workflow(EFS-6206)

  • Support Reset in FD Line in the Schematic Editor workflow(EFS-7277)

  • Support x16 Licence class in the Schematic Editor workflow(EFS-6754)

  • Improve error management for license checking in S-function driver and support of High Performance licence for eHS Gen4 (EFS-6924)

  • Support new License key EHS_CORE_TOKEN to replace the EHS_TOTAL_PERFORMANCE key. Backward compatible with previous licenses.(EFS-6761)

  • Support new License key EHS_MACHINE_CORE_TOKEN to limit the number of machine in use. Backward compatible with previous licenses.(EFS-6883)

  • Support OP5369 cards in the OP5700-OP5600 official firmware(EFSTT-1829)

  • Display Schematic Editor model version in eHS CPU Block(EFSTT-1824)

  • Display eHS Licence class in eHS CPU Block(EFSTT-1788)

Bug fixes

  • Fix encoder number of pole pairs for Generic Machine (EFSTT-1813)

  • Fix to use SFP in ports in firmware without AI (EFS-7015)

  • Fix State initial conditions of capacitor initial voltage and inductor initial current (EFS-7029)

  • Fix Schematic Editor to allow negative values for 2 and 3 Winding Mutual Inductance(SCHEDITT-484)

  • Fix the minimum time step of Variable RLC component for a better stability(EFS-6139)


  • Removed support of Matlab 2020a - 2020b for eFPGASIM (EFS-5947)

  • OP4815 Versal platform temporarily not supported


New Features

  • Support new reset pin in Schematic Editor workflow in Hypersim(EFS-6293)

  • Support Matlab 2023b (EFS-6702)

  • Support new OP4815 (Versal) platform over Schematic Editor Workflow(EFS-6054)

  • Long Term Support : support Matlab 2019b


New Features

  • Support new reset pin in Schematic Editor workflow(EFS-3388)

  • Support new x32 and x64 licence class for eHS Gen5(EFS-6295)

  • Support new High Performance licence for eHS Gen5(EFS-6295)

  • Support Matlab 2023b (EFS-6702)

  • Support initial rotor angle and speed (EFS-2629, EFS-6706, EFSTT-1669)

  • Support Rotor Neutral for DFIM machine in SPS workflow (EFS-6605, EFS-6593)

  • Support new OP4810/OP4815 (Versal) platform over Schematic Editor Workflow(EFS-6054)

  • Mention internal and external component number in the eHS Build Report(EFS-4636)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed IGBT switches not behaving properly to gate commands (EFSTT-1703)

  • Add input saturation for Variable RLC components R, L and C values (and other components) (EFS-6564)

  • Fix support for LED dataports in all firmwares (EFSTT-1716)

  • Document Power Measurement block (EFSTT-1716)

  • Fix custom models with no AIR(EFS-6696)

  • Fix SRM Motor to accept rectangular flux tables(EFS-6714)

  • Fix variable RL RC components to stop integrating its state when saturating(EFS-6608)

  • Fix the maximum number of Tsb switches allowed in eHS (EFSTT-1764)

  • Add a new error to prevent crashes from using reserved names as inputs or outputs (EFSTT-1770)

  • Fix using expressions and variables in connection parameters (AO/AI Gain, offset, min, max) (EFSTT-1775)


Bug fixes

  • Fix licence management (EFSTT-1750)


Bug fixes

  • Fix Induction Machine with saturation resolver/encoder (EFS-6647 and EFSTT-1708)


New Features

  • Support DFIM rotor neutral connection in SPS workflow (EFS-6589)



New Features

  • Support of Matlab 2022b - 2023a (EFS-5945)

  • Support Python 3.9 (EFS-5946)

  • Support new Variable RL and Variable RC components (EFS-6205)

  • Support expression and variable evaluation in RT-LAB and Hypersim (EFS-6204)

  • Support Lowest Latency option from Schematic Editor in eHS Gen5 (EFS-6440)

  • Support up to 64 TSB switches in eHS Gen5 (EFS-6109)

  • Support up to 128 Single switches in eHS Gen5 (EFSTT-1538)

  • Support saturable inductor and saturable transformer in Schematic Editor workflow (EFS-5763)

  • Add the saturation characteristic example file in the folder of the Saturable Transformer example model (EFSTT-1688)

  • Add a Schematic Editor example model on the Saturable Transformer (EFS-6154)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where Surge Arresters were unusable with eHS in Opalboards Drivers mode (EFS-6359)

  • Fixed issue where SPS examples models sent NaN values with latest Matlab version (EFS-6336)

  • Support PWMO dynamic with OpalBoard driver (EFS-6343)

  • Support RMS value output from eHS in SPS workflow (EFSTT-1611)

  • Fixed an error on SPS Saturable Transformer example model (EFSTT-1657)

  • Fixed SPS example model, where the Trigger was uncheck in the probe view of RT-LAB (EFSTT-1652)

  • Fixed an issue when loading a circuit with Variable RLC component on Hypersim (EFSTT-1689)

  • Fixed misleading parameters in the eHS OpalBoard Drivers simulink block (EFSTT-1680)

  • Fixed an error about the Analog In routing through Data Out on OP4610 Gen5 Firmware (EFSTT-6545)


  • Removed support of Matlab 2018a - 2019a - 2019b for eFPGASIM (EFS-5947)



New Features

  • Added an example model of a doubly-fed induction machine with saturation (EFS-6065)

  • Added an example model of a squirrel cage induction machine with saturation (EFS-6066)

  • Support of the PMSM VDQ machine in eHS Gen5 VC707 firmware

  • Malformed JSON resource files now return a API error "Error (139)" (EFSTT-1575)

  • Added licensing management for eHS Gen5 and PADE5 discretization method (EFS-6222 and EFS-6213)

  • Support new Induction Machine with Saturation (EFS-4797)

  • Support single switches in eHS Gen5 (EFS-4321)

  • Ability to use User Defined Back EMF profile for PMSM and BLDC in Schematic Editor (EFS-6015)

  • Added new eHS Gen5 demo model for LLC Converter with PFC (EFSTT-1520)

  • Renamed IO connections in Schematic Editor to match Hardware Slot and Channel identification (EFS-5886)

  • Ability to switch from eHS S-function driver to eHS OpalBoards driver in the simulink eHS Menu (EFSTT-1483)

  • Improve Installer/Uninstaller performances (EFS-5723)

Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue when connecting a measurement to multiple AO from different mezzanines (EFSTT-1570)

  • Improved reset logic of the eHS to fix initial state at model startup (EFS-6131)

  • Fix clean up of remanent conections for protected mode in the Schematic Editor Workflow (RTLABTT-3947)

  • Fixed an issue when disconnecting some, but not all, gate connections from Schematic Editor multi-level switching components (Half Bridge, Three-Level, Cyloconverter) (EFSTT-1543)

  • Fix evaluation of Gs expression with variables in Gen4 SPS workflow (EFSTT-1501)

  • Fix Thyristor behavior in eHS Gen4 (EFSTT-1493)

  • Fix to support rectangular Ldq matrices in PMSM VdQ in Schematic Editor workflow (EFSTT-1546)

  • PMSM Variable DQ parameters file may contain different number of values along the direct and the quadrature axes (EFSTT-1546)


  • Removed support of Matlab 2015 - 2016 - 2017 and of Java7 for eFPGASIM

  • Removed support of Matlab 2015b for eFPGASIM XSG library



Bug fixes

  • Fixed DI signal reverse issue for eHS Gen5 on Kintex-7 410T FPGA (EFS-5872)

  • Fixed issue with single switches in Gen4 always using default values for Ron and Roff (EFSTT-1493)



New Features

  • Support a new scenario from CPU mode in the schematic Editor workflow allowing the define a very large number of scenarios, each being applied in multiple CPU time steps. (EFS-4660)

  • Support new Surge Arrester block in eHS Gen 5 within Schematic Editor Workflow (EFS-5327)

  • Support new Chassis OP4512 and OP4610 with new firmwares (EFS-5367)

  • New documentation for solver settings in Schematic Editor (EFS-5835)

  • Improve user experience by not analyzing the eHS circuit if no change was done (EFSTT-1482, EFS-5779, EFS-5829)

  • New progress bar available to wait when the eHS circuit analysis is long (e.g. with large number of scenarios) (EFSTT-1481, EFS-5766)

  • Support Matlab 2022a (EFS-3861)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed to use multiple eHS within the same OPCtrl block in S-function driver workflow (EFS-5860)

  • Fixed Hypersim starting simulation error without opening eHS block (EFSTT-1367)

  • Fix the build report to be selectable and scrollable in RT-LAB workflow (EFS-5444)



New Features

  • Support IV table as an input for Surge Arrester block in eHS Gen 4 within Schematic Editor Workflow

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Phases of AC Voltage Sources are now taken into account in S-function driver within Schematic Editor workflow

Version 2.11.2

New Features

  • Support new Surge Arrester block in eHS Gen 4 within Schematic Editor Workflow (EFS-5264)

  • Support new eHS Opalboards driver block with similar workflow as eHS Sfun driver block (includes automatic migration process)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Snubber Resistance for Machines always being default value (EFS-5321)

  • Fixed current sources flowing in wrong direction with eHS Gen5 (EFSTT-1354)

  • Fixed 3-lvl ARM snubber resistance in SPS Workflow (EFSTT-1345)

  • Add a new error to prevent from setting the Gs with a different size from the number of switches within SPS workflow (EFSTT-756)

  • Fixed Matlab Path to reduce docmentation path to a single entry (EFSTT-1356)

  • Fixed DI33 now properly mapped in Schematic Editor workflow(EFSTT-1360)

  • Fixed licence downgrading validation with Sfun driver within Schematic editor workflow (EFSTT-1372)

Version 2.10.3

New Features

  • FileConverter can now support the new Ansys JSON format (EFS-4963)

  • Support SFP connections in the Schematic Editor Workflow (EFS-5006)

  • Support Customs connections in the Schematic Editor Workflow (EFS-5006)

  • New eFPGASIM firmwares with added SFP mapping and communication block (EFS-5032, EFS-5168, EFS-5175)

  • Support 2 firmwares containing SRM machine through Custom connections in the Schematic Editor Workflow (EFS-5006)

  • Ability to modify Generic Machine Resolver parameter on the fly in SPS Workflow (EFSTT-1133)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sources and measurements in subsystems not working in Schematic Editor workflow (EFSTT-1267)

  • eHS gen5 can now support a model without any state (EFS-4464)

  • Improve soft reset on generic machine (EFSTT-1272)

  • Fixed Thyristor current flow direction being reversed (EFSTT-1292)

  • Replace IsVivado check with Vivado minimum version check for firmware generation (EFSTT-1270)

  • In Schematic Editor Workflow, eHS gen5 now supports seperate prediction/relaxtion parameters for each half-bridge arm (EFSTT-1284)

  • Fixed block display even if Unified Database is not installed using Sfun block in Schematic Editor Workflow (EFSTT-1295)

  • Fixed Variable Load feature in Kintex 7 firmware generation (EFSTT-1294)

  • Fixed VC707_2-EX-0001-3_3_1_790-eHSx128_Gen4_Machines_IOConfig1 firmware to support 64 Dout instead of 32 (EFSTT-1278)


  • Removed support for OP4200 chassis

Version 2.9.3

New Features

  • New eHS for Schematic Editor block that supports S-function driver (EFS-4221, EFS-4222)

  • Support ROff for all switch-based components in Schematic Editor worflow (EFS-4408)

  • Support new solver settings : Circuit Analysis Method (EFS-4810)

  • Support new solver settings for eHS Gen5 : Discretization Method Backward Euler and ART 5 (EFS-4810)

  • Support MATLAB R2021a/b (Beta) (EFS-4859)

  • Support 2MSPS sampling rate mode in all eFPGASIM firmware Analog Out (EFS-4857)

  • Added support of symmetry option in PMSM SH RTT file and updated to JMAG RTT converter API v20.1 (EFSTT-1194)

  • Support Solver settings in the Schematic Editor. Ability to select Node Analysis method and validate any circuit component compatibility (EFS-4810)

  • Support capacitors and inductors' initial states for eHS Gen 5 (EFS-4726)

  • Support active low gate polarity for eHS Gen 5 (EFS-4567)

  • Enhanced official product documentation : https://opal-rt.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PFPET/overview

  • New Boost and 2-level inverter demo model on OP4510 using the eHS for Schematic Editor block with S-function driver (EFSTT-1259)

  • New Schematic Editor Cyclo Converter Block only supported in the eHS Gen5 (EFS-4982)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed support of multiple eHS blocks within the same model in S-function Driver Schematic Editor Workflow (EFSTT-1276)

  • Fixed number of events for RTE gate signals not applied properly in eHS Gen 4 CPU block for SPS workflow (EFSTT-1223)

  • Fixed LCA in eHS Gen 4 for Schematic Editor workflow (EFSTT-1192)

  • Fixed PMSM and Generic Machine initial speed value not correctly applied into the Generic Machine block for SPS Workflow (EFS-3589)

  • Fixed chassis selection mask for firmware TE0741_4-EX-0001-3_3_2_804-eHSx128_Gen4_PMSMSH_IOConfig1 (EFSTT-1198)

  • Fixed resolver connection to external excitation in Generic Machine block (EFSTT-1211)

  • Fixed AOMR v2 Console block to take into account the current parameters (EFSTT-1196)

  • Improved soft reset configuration on Generic Machine blackbox(EFSTT-1238)


  • Removed support of induction machine parameter import from rtt file (EFSTT-1194)

Version 2.8.3

New Features

  • eHS Gen5 core first beta release (Support of 2-level converter with switch interpolation) (EFS-2843, EFS-4321)

  • Support of the Time Stamped Bridge (TSB) in eHS Gen5 (EFS-4571, EFS-4560)

  • Support of *.json file format with the Ansys option in the PMSM-SH v1 and v2 blocks (Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) workflow) (EFS-4552)

  • Variable RLC load feature for eHS Gen4 (no scenario required) (EFS-4603)

  • Added workspace variable support in AOMR v2 console block for configuring the lanes signal lists (EFSTT-1083)

  • Added OP4510 firmwares with new IO configuration (EFS-4367)

  • Support Roff in Gen 4 Half-Bridge parser to improve stability. (EFS-4386)

  • Add the effective eHS licence class consumed by the circuit in the eHS Build report (EFSTT-1102)

Bug fixes

  • Added error for exceeding the maximum number of supported AC sources (EFSTT-1103)

  • Fixed reversed order SDO configuration ports within the OP4510 firmware with machines conf files (EFSTT-1122)

  • Fix AOMR v2 console block configuration issue when switching the version (EFSTT-1083)

  • Fixed fpga reset issue with Generic machine model (EFS-3999)

  • Fixed eHS circuit loading failure in Hypersim while modifying circuit without closing the UI between attempts (EFSTT-1104)

  • Fixed to take into account DQ transform angle offset (PMSM) if set in json file in SPS workflow (EFSTT-1077)

  • Fixed missing encoder pole pairs parameter in PMSM mode (Generic machine mask in SPS Workflow) (EFS-3604)

  • Fixed missing encoder polarity parameter (Generic machine mask in SPS Workflow) (EFS-3643)

  • Fixed AOMR block compatibility with the "Align Start-of-frame with the first valid data" option of the DataIn block (EFSTT-201)

  • Fixed Sources with the same name (in Schematic editor subsystems) appear now as different interface ports (EFSTT-1095)

  • Fixed Missing RS-422 Encoder loadin port in the conf files in SPS workflow (EFSTT-1118)

  • Fixed the help link of PMSMSH XSG V1 block (EFSTT-1132)

  • Fixed missing elements of eFPGASIM_XSG library (Models and Monitoring) in Simulink library browser (EFSTT-1131)

  • Fixed wrong name "DualAngleSensors_WFaults" from block description of Resolver Encoder with Faults block in SPS workflow(EFSTT-1109)

  • eHS Gen4 - Update the eHS and machines drivers to enhance the stability and the repeatability of real time simulation models in the Schematic Editor Workflow.

  • Fixed RT-LAB version comparison too lazy when one library name was containing 'RT-LAB' string (EFSTT-1142)

  • Fixed the maximum number of switches supported to 144. (EFSTT-1147)

  • Fixed Resolver sine and cosine to support different Analog Out channels in Schematic Editor Workflow. (EFSTT-1164)

  • Fixed crash of model containing 3-Level NPC-LCA and Ideal Tranformer in Schematic Editor Workflow. (EFSTT-1148)

Version 2.7.1

Support Matlab 2020A/B (Beta) (EFS-4172)

Support of eHS license class downgrading on higher license class firmwares (EFS-3984, EFS-4000)

Support the number of pole pairs up to 127 within PMSM machines (EFSTT-1058)

Decrease current oscillations when running at zero speed with PMSMSH machines (EFSTT-988)

Display Ts on eHS Schematic Editor Block (EFSTT-1026)

Added LED support in TE0741 firmware (EFSTT-1054)

Added firmware for OP4510 with Kintex-7 410T FPGA (EFS-3878)

Fix initial values for inductor current and capacitor voltage in Schematic Editor Workflow (EFSTT-970)

Improved performances of eHS CPU block while using Thermal Loss feature (EFSTT-969)

Fix compilation error if using generic machine block with oplnk in the SS subsystem (EFSTT-762)

Fix torque equation error in the eFPGAsim_HIL_motormodel_userguide (EFSTT-1073)

Fix SE Boost2lvl demo models (EFS-3933)

Version 2.6.1

Support user defined Ts in Schematic Editor Workflow

New eHS Build Report generated in Schematic Editor Workflow (EFS-3777)

Added support of OP4510 Kintex-7 410T based firmwares (EFS-3878)

Support QE on RS422 (EFSTT-794)

User Support LED in OP4510 firmwares (EFSTT-964)

Support more than 32 AO channels configurations in Schematic Editor Workflow

Fix configurations with more than 2 SCIM/DFIM/SM in Schematic editor (EFSTT-951)

Fix on the fly change of parameters in PMSMSH and PMSM VDQ in SPS workflow (EFSTT-1008)

Fix the amplitude of DQ voltage of the SCIM/DFIM/SM models (EFSTT-986)

Fix the default sheet number value in eHS block SPS workflow (EFSTT-1039)

Fix the encoder outputs order issue within machines on OP5700 (Bitstream 53-10) (EFSTT-997)

Fix eHS sinewave generator not working when the OpCtrler name is different than 'OpCtrl' (EFSTT-1024)

Reworked the names of the input and output signals of the machines in the Schematic Editor Simulink models using the eHS block in this flow might require an update if the output names of the signals where used (in bus selectors for instance) (EFSTT-722)

Removed UserId checking on AOMR XSG block (EFS-3936)

Version 2.5.3

Added support of Thermal losses in the eHS block under SPS workflow (EFS-2388)

Added support of release notes in firmwares (EFS-2388)

Added 1st order low pass filter on PMSM VDQ PQ measurements (EFSTT-912)

Added support of OPAL-RTLinux Operating System

Fixed format of angle of PMSM VDQ FPGA module (EFSTT-912)

Fixed issue with AOMR configuration not applied before manual change was made (EFSTT-892)

Fixed the FD line module reset in the RT-XSG source model (EFSTT-917)

Removed the support of circuit model in continuous mode in the eHS Existing eHS circuit in continuous mode will need to be updated to discrete mode (EFSTT-726)

Version 2.4.0

Added example Model Boost and Two-Level Inverter OP4200 based on PLECS (EFSTT-694)

Added support for Open Stator Winding for the squirrel-cage machine in the SPS workflow(EFS-3502)

Support Native SFP Link on all firmwares toward multi-FPGA Config(EFS-3500)

Added autoconfiguration of the generic machine block from conf file (EFS-3504)

Added two ports, Mins and Maxs, on AIR block under SPS workflow (EFSTT-886)

Fixed issue on second machine of Dual PMSM Motor Vdq block with park transform, rotor offset and initial angle parameters(EFS-3614)

Version 2.3.3

Added support for BLDC Motor model with the Schematic Editor (EFS-2435)

Added autoconfiguration of the eHS block from conf file (EFS-2437)

Added BackEmf outputs support on PMSM and BLDC Schematic Editor block (EFS-3256)

Added Hall effect support PMSM and BLDC Schematic Editor block (EFS-3257)

Support of FPGA scope in OP4510 IOConfig1 firmware (EFS-3336)

Added support of PMSM DQ and BLDC in the Generic machine block (EFS-2982)

Added RCP firmware with eHS for OP4200 (EFSTT-834)

Added DQ-transform angle offset support for the PMSM VDQ in the Schematic VDQ parameters file update required (EFS-3473)

Separated PMSM's Encoder speed ratio and theta offset from resolver's (EFS-3309)

Fixed an issue with Generic machine callback that did not initialize wCarFreqRes (EFSTT-848)

Fixed an issue with log files and DO reports of eHS being locked (EFS-3151)

Fixed issue making the eHS (Schematic Editor workflow) load circuit crash when adding an input to models which previously had none (EFSTT-839)

Added a port dimension assertion of 1 (one) to the eHS block (Schematic Editor workflow) input ports (EFSTT-717)

Version 2.2.1

Added support for PMSM SH in Schematic Editor (PMSM SH needs 1,536 MB of MATLAB Java Heap Memory to work in Schematic Editor ) (EFS-2438)

Added support of Matlab R2019A and R2019B (EFS-2909)Added tool for converting motor model files (RTT, ANSYS) into Schematic Editor compatible formats

Added support of Gs and Turn ratio tuning in transformer (EFSTT-720)

Added new firmware for eHSx32 support on OP4200 (EFS-3084)

Added support of selecting xls sheet for scenarios in eHS CPU block (EFS-3080)

Fixed issue with user analog output assignement with AOMR V2 (EFSTT-780)

Fixed issue with AOMR V2 having offset in user analog out signals (EFSTT-770)

Fixed issue with AOMR V2 Console block not saving properly its values (EFSTT-769)

Fixed issue with the generic machine block that does not update its imports and outports while using 2 machines or more (EFSTT-790)

Fixed crash in Matlab R2016b while using two machine interface blocks (EFSTT-796)

Removed support of Matlab R2014B

Version 2.1.2

Added support of SCIM in Schematic Editor workflow

Added example Model SCIM OP4510 and OP5700

Added support of DFIM in Schematic Editor workflow

Added example Model DFIM OP4510 and OP5700

Added support of PMSM Variable DQ in Schematic Editor workflow

Added example Model PMSM Constant DQ OP4200, OP4510 and OP5700

Added example Model PMSM Variable DQ OP4200, OP4510 and OP5700

Added support of Synchronous Machines with neutral point in SPS workflow

Added eHSx16 form factor

Added AOMR v2 CPU block for SPS workflow

Fixed issues with installation process of eFPGASIM causing exceptions and crashes during normal utilization (EFSTT-640)

Fixed issue when using eHS gen 4 block when Ts was not declared (EFSTT-625)

Fixed issue with Digital Out not working with the OP4200 firmware with machines on Schematic Editor (EFSTT-586)

Fixed issue with excitation input for resolvers only mappable to analog in channel 1 on Schematic Editor (EFS-2693)

Fixed bitstream mismatch warning for VC_707 eHSx128 (EFSTT-648)

Fixed organize examples in SPS and SE sub folders (EFSTT-643)

Fixed error when clicking Edit then Cancel on eHS SPS block (EFSTT-605)

Fixed source naming in configuration window (EFSTT-580)

Fixed circuit file name not updating correctly when modified (EFSTT-579)

Improved the error message while two current measurements are touching in SPS netlist (EFSTT-577)

Version 2.0.0

Added support of PMSM on OP4200 in Schematic Editor workflow

Added support of Saturable Transformers in SPS workflow

Added support of new circuit editor: OPAL-RT Schematic Editor

Added support of frequency-dependent lines to eHS, with demo example. (EFS-2182)

Added support of eHS Gen4 core in the XSG library. Gen3 and earlier versions of eHS are deprecated (EFS-2289)

Added AOMR v2 that is capable of routing and rescaling from eight FLWS signals to analog out channels. (OPAL1-523)

Analog In Re-scaling (AIR) block now supports Min and Max parameters and saturates output accordingly. (EFS-2168)

Version 1.5.7

Fixed support for MATLAB R2018b (EFSTT-517)

Version 1.5.6

Added official support of MATLAB version 2017b

Version 1.5.5

Added official support of MATLAB versions 2018a and R2018b

Added support of the thermal losses for eHSx64 (EFSTT-459)

Fixed DC offset issue with 3 level LCA (EFSTT-396)

Fixed issue while parsing the name of a LCA bridge ends with trailling spaces (EFSTT-367)

Version 1.5.4

Added standard motor package for OP5700 (EFS-1667)

Added demos for eHS with PMSM with and without I/Os for OP5700 (EFS-1870)

Added demos for eHS with DFIM with and without I/Os for OP4510 and OP5700 (EFS-1890, EFS-1886)

Added demos for eHS with SCIM with and without I/Os for OP4510 and OP5700 (EFS-1889, EFS-1887)

Added demos for eHS with SRM with and without I/Os for OP4510 and OP5700 (EFS-1891, EFS-1888)

Fixed netlist creation issues when using both Lca and non-Lca switches in same circuit model (EFSTT- 237, EFSTT-269)

Added demo for a eHS with PMSM SH and IOs for OP4510 (EFS-1919)

Fixed a bug preventing from using multiple inverter solver blocks with different parameter sets (EFSTT-

Added standard motor package for OP4510 with Kintex-7 410t (EFSTT-265)

Added time-stamped T-Type converter feature to use with eHS (EFS-1987)

Added two inputs dot product feature to use with eHS (EFS-1987)

Fixed Sine Wave Generator output mapping issue (EFSTT-158)

Version 1.5.3

Added official support of MATLAB versions 2015b, 2016a, 2016b and R2017a

Performance improvement of eHS during update and build of the CPU model (EFS-1177)

Added standard motor package for OP4510 (EFS-1671)

Added official support for OP4200 1GHz (EFS-1843)

Added demo for a eHS with PMSM and IOs for OP4510 (EFS-1687)

Added OP4510 eHS with machine firmware (EFS-1685)

Added support for eHSx128 in eFPGASIM XSG library (EFSTT-85)

Added XFO support in PLECS (EFS-463)

It is now possible to change the Flux value of the PMSM VDQ block on the fly (EFS-1797)

Added support of eHS circuits without state (EFSTT-4)

Fixed AOMR Jitter issue (EFSTT-18)

Added support of *.xlsx file format to the eHS Scenario feature (EFSTT-40)

Fixed typo in eHSx32 for OP4200 mask (EFSTT-131)

Fixed mixed up results for Thermal Losses when increasing the number of converters (EFSTT-160)

Fixed issue when changing the number of external inputs of eHSx128 (EFSTT-163)

Removed the eHS Gen2 CommBlk from library (EFSTT-178)

Removed MMC Example models from available demos

Version 1.5.2

Added Beta support of MATLAB versions 2015b, 2016a and 2016b. (EFS-1457)

Fixed a bug related to eHS output average calculation that was saturating to 255 samples (EFSTT-17)

Added the loss calculation module for 2-level bridges of eHS (EFS-1109)

Added the option of "eHSx128 + custom field" in the AOMR console block (EFS-1465)

Fixed a bug that prevent from using multiple PMSM machine blocks at the same time in the same CPU model with different parameters (EFS-1466)

Added support of firmware generation with eHSx128 (EFS-1175)

Added a monitoring feature to evaluate the local min and max of eHS outputs for a CPU time step (EFS-

Added a monitoring feature to evaluate the instantaneous Power (V*I) by using eHS outputs (EFS-1101)

Fixed bugs in circuit parsing (Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) workflow only) (EFSTT-37 - EFSTT-25)

Added led and RS422 port support for OP4510 standard firmware (EFSTT-68)

Version 1.5.1

Added support for the eHSx128 form factor in the eHS Gen3 CPU block. (EFSTT-36)

Added RT-LAB eHSx128 Gen3 example model. (EFS-775)

Added support of circuits containing more than 72 switching elements using eHSx128 Gen3 form factor

Added support of circuits containing more than 32 sources using eHSx128 Gen3 form factor. (EFSTT-7)

Updated the Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling console block to support eHSx128 Gen3. (EFS-994)

Added error handling for 0 or infinite R, L, or C values. (EFS-998)

Fixed bug with Selectable Digital Inputs not working correctly on all targets. (TT-8978)

Fixed eHS parsing errors that could occur with certain combinations of Two-Level and\or Three-Level
switches. (EFSTT-23)

Updated eHS Quickstart Guide, updated User Guide, and created OP4200 Quickstart Guide (EFS-776,
EFSTT-36, EFS-775)

Added support for PSIM and PLECS circuit models on the OP4200 platform. (EFSTT-48, EFSTT-52)

Added support for eHS OP4200 eHS Block to automatically detect if the circuit model has changed.

Fixed behavior of Cancel button in the OP4200 GUI for eHS. (EFS-902)

Fixed error with the OP4200 eHS Block when the minimum eHS time-step was larger than the maximum
eHS time-step. (EFS-916)

Fixed issue in the eHS OP4200 eHS GUI related to the naming of Two-Level and Three-Level switches when placed in separate subsystems. (EFS-925)

Added T-type sub-module MMC (MMC5) as a separate block in the library, still maintain MMC4 product.
The gating signals from CPU definition has changed.

Version 1.5.0

Added eHSx32 support on the new OPAL-RT platform: OP4200.(EFS-424)

Introduced a new and improved GUI for eHS on OP4200 which is accessible via the Simulink library
block for eHSx32 on OP4200.(EFS-424)

Added an example project for OP4200 which consists of a boost with a two level inverter.(EFS-845)

The Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling console block was updated to improve usability and support for future eHS form factors. (EFS-856)

Fixed issues related to source naming when source is contained in subsystem. This may now affect order of inputs in models build with earlier version of eFPGAsim. (TT#8968)

Introduced BETA version of eHSx128 form factor in eHS Gen3 CPU block. (EFS-481)

Updated MMC training slides to include software version information and compatibility.

Fixed an issue with glitches in the DC voltage for MMC running on a slave FPGA.(TT#8967)

Updated MMC demos to fix a display issue in MATLAB 2014b (moved the calculation units from SC_Console to SM_Subsystem).

Version 1.4.3

Fixed issue with MMC demos not being able to run in MATLAB 2014b. (TT#8893)

Removed the dependency to RT-XSG libraries in MMC FPGA models.(TT#8894)

Added support for MMC models in different types of FPGAs: VC707_2, MMPK7_325T and TE0741_325T.(TT#8895)

Added standardized SFP drive in MMC model in FPGAs V7, MMPK7_325T and TE0741_325T. (TT#8896)

Modified MMC4 black box source code to improve the accuracy inside MMC.(TT#8897)

Set bitstream of MMC demos in the intial files automatically using 'efsSetBitstreamFile.m'.(TT#8898)

Added masks and documentation for the RT-XSG blocks for Dual PMSM-VDQ, Induction Machine, Angle Sensors. (TT#7638)

Fixed an issue with the eHS Gen3 solver preventing the outputs to be updated when the measurement count is equal to 1, 9, 17 or 25. (TT#8768)

Fixed an issue with the RTXSG Scope and FPGA 64-to-64 Interconnect control panels channel selection set by the block causing the selection to reset every time the Simulink model is loaded. (TT#8772)

Fixed an issue preventing the correct switch control mapping for FPGA-based PWM Generators (TT#8812)

Fixed an issue in the eHS Gen3 CommBlk causing the "RTE Gates" setting to reset when the model is re-opened. (TT#8814)

Fixed an issue with the Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling Control Panel causing the last available signal not to appear in the signal selection drop-down list for each output channel. (TT#8816)

Fixed an issue with the eHS scenarios causing all outputs to fall to zero when using an non declared scenario. (TT#8817)

Fixed an issue with the Dual PMSM-VDQ controller block (CPU side) causing a scaling error on the Idq axis of the Ld-Lq tables while using the Standard park transform. (TT#8868)

Added a firmware bitstream pool directory in the MATLAB path accessible by all RT-LAB models, including eFPGAsim example models. (EFS-387)

Updated the eHS models "Two-Level Inverter" and "Three-Phase Diode Bridge" to eHSx64 Gen3 for all platforms. (EFS-395)

Added support for SLX files for circuits designed with the Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) and PLECS toolboxes. (EFS-402)

Modified eHS with IOs example models to include the RT-XSG Selectable DIO blocks and . (EFS-450)

Added support for the Loss-Compensation Algorithm for eHS for circuits designed with PLECS. (EFS- 457)

Added support for thyristors for eHS for circuits designed with PLECS. (EFS-465)

Added support for .CCT files for circuits designed with PSIM. (EFS-488)

Modified the eFPGAsim toolbox installer to prompt the user for administrative rights for automatic installation within the MATLAB path. (EFS-511)

The eFPGAsim JAVA packages are now installed in the MATLAB static JAVA class path. (EFS-517)

Added support for PLECS and PSIM circuit editors in the "Two-Level Inverter" and "Three-Phase Diode Bridge" example models. (EFS-537)

Modified eHS with IOs example models to include a generic Analog Output solution (handling both the static analog outputs and the Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling function). (EFS-611)

Added a security check in the eHS Gen3 solver to prevent the user to enter a custom solver step size outside the range available for the solver. (EFS-676)

Added support for multiple 3-level bridges in a circuit simulated using the eHS solver. (EFS-737)

Removed support for Xilinx ISE Design Suite for eHS with IOs example models for OP4500, OP4510 and OP5607. (EFS-761)

Seperate the library in 2 library in the library browser (eFPGAsim and eFPGAsim XSG). (EFS-762)

Added an option to the eHS Gen3 CommBlk to enable an automatic communication port management that works for most firmware configurations. (EFS-763)

Added support for three-phase measurement blocks for circuits designed with the Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) toolbox. (EFS-764)

Added support in eHS for circuits designed with PSIM 10.0.6. (EFS-765)

Version 1.4.2

Support of MATLAB R2015a SP1. (EFS-361)

Removed the support of MATLAB R2010b. (EFS-385)

Support of eHSx32 Gen3 for smaller FPGA boards (OP4200 / OP5600 / OP7161). (EFS-341)

Support of Thyristor (PSIM and Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) circuit editors). (EFS-353)

Support of LCA in PSIM (using the VSI block). (EFS-373)

Support of PLECS 3.7. (TT#8732)

Removed the support of QNX. (EFS-368)

Fixed a bug that prevents "AinDin_AdjustmentsAcquisition" block from updating properly. (TT#8733)

Fixed a bug that caused a JAVA error while using eHS on with regional settings of Windows 7. (TT#8745)

Beta support of PSIM 10 (requires a PSIM patch). (EFS-354)

Fixed a bug that caused an error during parsing the switches of a PSIM circuit for a large switch number. (TT#8747)

Fixed a bug in PMSM-SH v2 block where machine 1 dq transforms parameters were not applied properly. (TT#8746)

Implemented new VSC controller in MMC-HVDC CPU and MMC-HVDC FPGA demo models.

Added over-current protection to MMC-HVDC FPGA and MMC-HVDC-DUO FPGA models.

Added over-voltage protection reset function to MMC FPGA blocks in the library and 4 FPGA models.

Version 1.4.1

Added support for RT-XSG v3.0+ in eFPGAsim, including porting the support for firmware generation using the Xilinx Vivado Suite and MATLAB R2014b. (TT#8663)

Fixed a bug in eHSx64 gen3 that avoided the user of using more than 55 switches. (TT#8696)

Fixed a bug in dbl2sfp function. Extended mantissa was forced to 0 in some cases leading to wrong simulation results (system time constant was reduced). (TT#8697)

Fixed an issue causing wires to be disconnected inside one component in MMC library of eFPGAsim version v1.4.0. (TT#8636)

Example models "Boost and two-level bridge" and "Two-level Bridge" for eHSx64 Gen3 are provided with an OP4510 firmware, and models are configured for OP4510 by default. (TT#8656)

Updated MMC libraries in FPGA and CPU and the files for generating bitstream for MMC4 with deadtime and overvoltage protection feature. (TT#8657)

Added support for control of eHSx64 Gen3 inputs from another eHS core. (TT#8658)

Corrected the eHS report log to eliminate time-step duration truncation and to fix an incorrect "Solver desired time step" value appearing the first time it is shown after the option "Provide explicit sample time for solver eHS" is unchecked. (TT#8659)

Corrected the optimal Gs proposed by the Gs Optimization Tool is incorrect for Single-phase Three-level NPC Converter, resistive load to take into account the converter base current. (TT#8660)

Fixed an issue causing the minimum time step to set to real time step value in circuit info of the eHSx64 Gen3 block. (TT#8634)

Added support for control of eHSx64 Gen3 inputs from analog inputs. (TT#8661)

Added documentation for the Switched-Reluctance Machine (SRM) block. (TT#8632)

Added a Quickstart Guide for the eHS solver. (TT#8662)

Added documentation for the Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling (AOMR) block. (TT#8621)

Fixed an issue causing Simulink not being able to change Gate controls from the Gate control selection panel. (TT#8610)

Added a patch to the RT-XSG blocks for the eHS solver and of the Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling function to avoid 'Bool type output port op gets indeterminate value' errors during offline simulation. (TT#8605)

The eHSx64 Gen3 reset signal (coming from RT-LAB) is now resynchronized with the simulation step pulse (ModelSync). (TT#8664)

Added 6 example model for the FPGA-based Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) models to the eFPGAsim demo browser. (TT#8665)

Fixed an issue with the "Multimeter" block support causing misassignations in the measurement types and names. (TT#8666)

Version 1.4.0

Added the support of eHS Gen3 with LCA (Loss Compensation Algorithm) for 2-level and NPC converter topologies (Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) workflow only). (TT#8594)

Added the support of LCA in the eHS offline simulation block. (TT#8595)

Upgraded eHS Gen2 example models to eHS Gen3 for Virtex-7 and Kintex-7 compatible chassis (NPC converter example). (TT#8596)

Added FPGA PWMo function in the example models that can be mapped to the eHS circuit switches. (TT#7862)

Added examples model of eHS Gen3 (3-Phase Inverter with Boost and 3-Phase inverter examples). (TT#8596)

Added a netlist report during eHS Gen3 equation generation. (TT#8597)

Made a tool to calculate Gs based on the topology (TT#8603)

Fixed Unknown error a model was not including a Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) POWERGUI or a PLECS circuit. (TT#8602)

Fixed current measurement is wrong when the ground is present in Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) for multi-branch measurement. (TT#8504)

Added a GUI to map the gate sources to the netlist switches (eHS Gen3 only). (TT#8601)

Increased the maximum number of scenarios available for eHS Gen3 (up to 1023). (TT#8599)

Added the support of MATLAB R2012b R2013a R2013b R2014b R2015a (32bits and 64bits). (TT#8598)

Added a PLL and PID functions for RCP applications. (TT#8553)

Added a new MMC topology Clamp-Double Sub-module (CDSM). It must be applied with Artemis version v7.0.2.773 and later to realize the functionalities of CDSM in a MMC system.

Fixed the compatibility issue between the MMC block callback and RT-LAB 11.0.3. (TT#8600)

Version 0.3.8

Added example models of eHS with I/Os for OP4510, OP4500 and OP5607. (TT#8543)

Added support of the PMSM Spatial Harmonic block v2 (Larger tables, embedded mechanical model). (TT#8545)

Support of SRM block for Virtex-7 and Kintex7-based chassis. (TT#8544)

Added the support of the "DC link filter + 2 inverters" mode in the inverter solver with boost block. (TT#8546)

Added FPGA 64-to-64 Interconnect block to eFPGAsim CPU and FPGA libraries. (TT#8552)

Fixed RLC and LC component support in the eHS circuit parsing function. (TT#8555)

Fixed NI Multisim support in eHS. (TT#8306)

Fixed an issue in the Switched-Reluctance Motor (SRM) block that was causing an initialization error during model compilation. (TT#8557).

Version 0.3.7

Added a Neutral-Point Clamped (NPC) converter example model for eHSx16 on ML605. (TT#7612)

Added an example model for eHSx16 with I/O interfaces for ML605. (TT#8520)

Added a "Selectable Digital Output" block to the HIL I/O library (this block can handle static digital outputs, Event Generator signals and Pulse-Width Modulated digital outputs). Added a "Selectable Digital Input" block to the HIL I/O library (this block can handle static digital inputs, Event Detector signals and Pulse-Width Modulated digital input analysers). (TT#8521)

Fixed help link for MMC Pulse block (MMC Gate Control Panel). (TT#8440)

Fixed an issue with eHSx64 internal sine wave generators requiring the parameters for all 32 sine wave generators to be provided (causing malfunction of the generators if the "Use as many inputs as the current netlist requires" option was selected). (TT#8517)

Fixed eHSx16 support for mutual inductance element that was causing matrix generation to fail with error "Reference to non-existent field 'value'.". (TT#8518)

Fixed an issue with the MMC FPGA control block to enable custom OpCtrl or OpLnk controller name. (TT#8523)

Fixed inconsistencies in the documentation of the Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling block and Inverter Model with Boost block. (TT#7939)

Version 0.3.6

Added a MMC library that contains a block which has a choice of MMC half-bridge or full-bridge, MMC valve control blocks and 6 MMC demo models in typical Power System applications with related help files. (TT#8509)

Support of the PMSM Spatial Harmonics solver and Inverter solver on Virtex-7 FPGAs. (TT#8508)

Bugfix: "Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling block Control Panel" was not working properly when linked to the library. (TT#8507)

Support of RL RC elements of PSIM in eHS circuit parser. (TT#8506)

Bugfix: eHSx64 initialization port number was stuck to 1 and impossible to change. (TT#8439)

MMC 3x512: Added the option to choose whether to have faults and gates inputs or not, fixed the behavior when the selection options are unchecked. (TT#8438)

MMC 3x512: the decimation factor can be obtained when the FPGA is in slave mode, and the following blocks are now compatible with both OP7020 and OP7000:

Modular Multilevel Converter with Integrated Controller (3x512 cells)

Modular Multilevel Converter with Integrated Controller (3x512 cells) (Valve Current and VMMC)

Fixed an issue in the OP7161_2-based 3x512-cell Multilevel Modular Converters (MMC) causing wrong Vmmc values in averaged mode. (TT#8425)

MMC: Fixed the bug of gliches on Vmmc when Vmmc_ave mode is checked when running MMC model with OP7000, obtained different decimation factors when there are more than one FPGA. (TT#8410)

Fixed incorrect sequencing of capacitor voltages received from OP7161_2-based Multilevel Modular Converters (MMC) models using the 3x512-cell MMC library. (TT#8409)

Version 0.3.5

Fix for the conversion function dbl2ssfp43.p that was returning wrong results for input values slightly inferior to powers of 2. (TT#8424)

Version 0.3.4

Added support for mutual inductances and transformers with both generations of eHS for Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) and PSIM workflows. (TT#8420)

Added support for eHSx64, the second generation of eHS solver. It features a higher computation power (4x), more input/outputs, better accuracy and support for scenarios. (TT#8418)

Fixed the support of int32 parameters in Ansys data (TT#8417)

Fixed an issue with the PMSM SH solver core. The Current results were sqrt(2/3) off the reference results when using the Ansys machine data. (TT#8416)

Added support for induction machines in the motors library. (TT#8415)

Bugfix: the CPU block was keeping the last solver output state when reset. When reset, the solver is outputting 0 on all outputs now. (TT#8371)

The second core of the dual eHS was assigned the same configuration and circuit as the first core. They can now be independent. (TT#8304, RT3#276253)

Added support for the MMC model on the OP7000 generation of simulators. Also added a three-valve, 512-cells-per-valve Modular Multilevel converter block, with new implementation of MMC which removes the parameters to adjust snubber from the previous versions. (TT#8123)

Version 0.3.3

Added entry for DeltaT/C in the documentation of the Capacitor Differential Equation Solver block. (TT#8283)

Support of parasitic parallel resistance in the boost inductor (dual inverter with boost block). (TT#8183)

Add Ansys support in PMSM Solver Spatial Harmonics (TT#8182)

Support of OP4500/VC707 for motors/converters/IOs/Sensors blocks (TT#8181)

Fixed an issue where the Vmmc value would drop by 16 volts when switching to normal mode.


Version 0.3.2

The "2 DC source + 2 Inverters" mode of the Inverter_Solver_wboost block is not supported and returns an appropriate MATLAB error the to user. (TT#8111)

NaN were inserted in the Ld Lq and flux tables when the breakpoints were not the same for Id and Iq or the breakpoints were not defined for +/- max Iamp value (symmetric around 0). NaN are now replaced by the nearest non-NaN value. (TT#8105)

The eHS configuration matrix location is now provided with its relative path, enabling the packaging and distribution of pre-compiled RT-LAB projects with the eHS feature. (TT#8076)

Add support for FGPA based MMC valve and valve control. Requires RT-LAB v10.7.3 or later. (TT#7743)

Added a 512-cell Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) Valve and Valve Controller models. Requires RTLAB v10.7.3 or later. (TT#7743)

Added the RT-XSG Scope to the eFPGAsim I/O library. This scope enables the monitoring of internal FPGA signals with very fine time resolution (down to 5 ns). (TT#7482)

Version 0.3.1

In machine models PMSM-VDQ and PMSM-SH, the Rabc force feature did not operate properly. The equation has been fixed. (TT#8055)

Fixed an issue in the PMSM-SH machine model related to a 30-step delay between motor 1 and 2 computation not being accepted by the callback despite its being a legal setting. (TT#8054)

Fixed an issue in the PMSM-SH machine model related to the FPGA interpolation function malfunction causing spikes on the torque. (TT#8053)

Fixed an issue in the PMSM-VDQ machine: the block did not update properly when motor 2 is used in LdLq table mode. (TT#8052)

Fixed an issue in the PMSM-VDQ machine model where the flux and back emf amplitude were not right when the user set the LdLq table mode. (TT#8051)

Fixed an issue with the allocation of communication port numbers of the Dual eHS block when the linked OpCtrl block was taken from the Opal-RT I/O Common library. (TT#8005)

Added the RT-XSG block for the "Analog Output Mapping and Rescaling" function. (TT#7882)

Added support for initial states of Capacitor and Inductor in eHS for PLECS. (TT#7880)

Version 0.3.0

Added support for nonzero capacitor initial voltage and inductor initial current in eHS. (TT#7880)

Added support OP4500 Kintex7-based hardware platform for the eHS solver. (TT#7898)

Added support for switch control polarity selection (active-high or active-low) in eHS. (TT#7881)

Added support for AC and DC voltage and current sources in eHS, implemented as embedded source signal generators on the FPGA entity of eHS. (TT#7879)

Added a very low leakage capacitor model block in the eFPGAsim Elements libraries. (TT#7878)

Version 0.2.4

Added the 2-Level Inverter with Boost block. (TT#8031)

Enhanced the eHS solver RT-XSG block packaging and documentation. (TT#7899)

Added support for OP7020 and OP5607 Virtex7-based hardware platform for the eHS solver and Dual PMSM-VDQ motor model. (TT#7900)

Version 0.2.3

Added a 24-phase PMSM motor function. (TT#8032)

Version 0.2.2

Added support for OpLnk controller blocks (in addition to OpCtrl's) for the eHS solver. (TT#7815)

Version 0.2.1

Added support for PLECS to design the circuits used by the eHS solver. (TT#7759)

Added the "pulse selection" parameter in the eHS2 solver (a.k.a. "from Din"). (TT#7622)

Version 0.2.0

Fixed strange behavior of PMSM torque in motor model. (TT#6749)

Fixed problem of signal routing when compiling models with 2 motors. (TT#6725)

Modification of PMSM example model. Links with RT-XSG are now broken. Model can run off-line without RT-XSG installed. (TT#6719)

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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