Dual PMSM VDQ Model

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Dual PMSM VDQ Model

AnalogOut_FLWS bus contains electrical and mechanical variables from the model

Machine 10ia_0first phase currentXFloat_8_24

1ib_0second phase current
2ic_0third phase current
3vaavg_0first phase average voltage
4vbavg_0second phase average voltage
5vcavg_0third phase average voltage
6P_03-phase power P output
7Q_03-phase power Q output
8id_0stator direct current
9iq_0stator quadratic current
10thetamec_0mechanical position of the motor
11thetaelec_0electrical position of the motor
12torque_0torque command sent to the mechanical model
13sin_res_0resolver sine signal
14cos_res_0resolver cosine signal
15car_res_0resolver carrier signal
16theta_sensor_0motor angle signal
17speed_0speed of the motor
18total_torque_0torque command minus the torque load after the static friction
19back_emf_a_0first phase back emf voltage
20back_emf_b_0second phase back emf voltage
21back_emf_c_0third phase back emf voltage
Machine 222ia_1first phase current
23ib_1second phase current
24ic_1third phase current
25vaavg_1first phase average voltage
26vbavg_1second phase average voltage
27vcavg_1third phase average voltage
28P_13-phase power P output
29Q_13-phase power Q output
30id_1stator direct current
31iq_1stator quadratic current
32thetamec_1mechanical position of the motor
33thetaelec_1electrical position of the motor
34torque_1torque command sent to the mechanical model
35sin_res_1resolver sine signal
36cos_res_1resolver cosine signal
37car_res_1resolver carrier signal
38theta_sensor_1motor angle signal
39speed_1speed of the motor
40total_torque_1torque command minus the torque load after the static friction
41back_emf_a_1first phase back emf voltage
42back_emf_b_1second phase back emf voltage
43back_emf_c_1third phase back emf voltage

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