FPGA Section

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FPGA Section

FPGA Configuration Page

After a Hardware Configuration is selected in the Power Electronics Add-On Configuration Page, one FPGA Section is added to the configuration tree for each available FPGA board. In the System Explorer window configuration tree, expand the Power Electronics Add-On custom device and select Hardware Configuration >> FPGAXX to display this page and configure the FPGA board properties. The available configuration options are defined by the capabilities of the FPGA hardware, as summarized in the table below.

This page includes the following components, configurable at edit-time only:

FPGA Device Settings

Supported Hardware





Displays the name of the FPGA target onto which the device settings will be applied. This name and the name of the targeted FPGA board in the NI Measurement and Automation Explorer must match each other exactly.


Displays a description of the features included in the selected hardware configuration. For more detailed information about a configuration, navigate to its Help page under Default Hardware Configurations.

DIO Line Voltage

Specifies the digital IO line voltage level for each connector on the FPGA board. The available options are defined by the supported voltage levels of the targeted FPGA board.


Specifies the line direction of the digital channel. Each channel can be configured as an Input or an Output to the real time target.

Modifying the line directions of digital channels will affect the distribution of those channels between the Digital Input and Digital Output sections. Other sections with Digital IO mapping options, such as the Switches, may also be affected. It is recommended to review all custom device mappings after making changes to digital channel directions.

⚫ = Supported    ⚪ = Not Supported


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