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To deploy a VeriStand project with the Power Electronics Add-On, a valid deployment license must be installed on the development machine. A deployment license can be tied to one or more NI targets, identified by the MAC address of their primary network adapters (NIC). The Power Electronics Add-On can only be executed on the targets added to the deployment license. Follow the steps below to request and install a deployment license.
Requesting a License
Submit a license request using the OPAL-RT Support Portal. Include the following information in the request:
Your OPAL-RT Project Number
The MAC Address of the primary Ethernet adapter of the Real Time target
A message specifying that the license will be for use with the OPAL-RT Power Electronics Add-On for NI VeriStand.
The MAC Address can be obtained by connecting to the Real Time target in the NI Measurements & Automation Explorer (NI MAX). Be sure to use the address from the eth0 (Primary) section.
Installing a License
Create a VeriStand project and add the Power Electronics Add-On (OPAL-RT Circuit).
In the System Definition tree, navigate to Custom Devices >> Power Electronics Add-On (OPAL-RT Circuit) and click Add License in the ribbon menu.
Browse for the license file (.bin) in the dialog window.
Click OK.
Repeat this process on all development machines that will be used to connect to the Real Time target.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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