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Connecting your Real-Time Target Node to your Network

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It is now time to unpack your real-time simulator (also called “target” or “target node” in this document). The simulator communicates with the Windows command station (host computer) via TCP/IP. The simulator can be connected either directly to your host computer (direct connection) or via your local area network (local area network configuration).


This chapter will guide you through:

  • Establishing Network Connection

    • Direct Connection

    • Local area network connection

  • Discovering target nodes

Establishing network connection

But first, you must decide how the network link between your host computer and target is to be established. Either the host will be connected directly to the target (direct connection), or your target will be introduced to your local network (local area network configuration).

Direct Connection

First, locate the IP address of your simulator. The target has a fixed IP address.

You can find the IP address in two different places:

  • On a sticker attached to your simulator, or,

  • In the SystemDescription [Customer Name]_[Project Number].pdf located on your DVD. You will find the IP address within the Simulator General Overview section.

Use the Ethernet cable found in the box to connect the simulator from its Ethernet port to your computer’s LAN port.

In order to establish communication, you must now modify the IP address of your host computer so that it is in the same subnetwork as the simulator.

  • Click the network icon in your Windows icon tray, and then click on Network and Internet Settings.

Open Network and Internet Settings

  • Click Settings > Change connection properties 

  • Click the Properties button

  • Choose the connection Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and click Properties

Choose Use the following IP address and enter the correct IP address and subnet mask. Usually, the first three numbers of the IP address should be the same as your simulator. The last number should be between 1 and 255 and should be different from your simulator. The subnet mask will be “”

Local Area Network Connection

If you want to use your simulator in a corporate network environment instead of a direct connection, the following requirements must be met.

  • The Windows command station is able to ping an IP address of the simulator.

  • The simulator is able to ping an IP address of the Windows command station.

In order to do so, the Windows command station and the target node are either in the same subnet or they are configured with a default gateway that allows them to communicate together.
Your IT department should be able to meet the above requirements. If you are familiar with Linux distributions, you may connect a computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse to the simulator in order to set the appropriate
configuration for your network. Here is a procedure to reconfigure the IP address of the simulator using RT-LAB on the Windows command station. It supposes that the Windows command station is in the same subnet as the
simulator (which has a static IP address and the preconfigured subnet mask of

  • Disconnect the simulator from your Windows command station.

  • Connect both the simulator and your Windows command station to the network.

  • Return to the original network configuration for your Windows command station.

  • Remove the target you previously added in RT-LAB (right-click it and click Delete, then OK).

  • Add the target with the new IP address configuration using the Discovering target nodes method again.

Discovering Target Nodes

In the RT-LAB’s Project Explorer, double-click this item to discover available simulators on your network.

After a short time, the following window should appear and show your simulator. Edit the name of your simulator as you wish, then click Finish.

Your simulator is now available in the RT-LAB interface.

If your simulator is not automatically detected:

  • Create a target node in RT-LAB: in the Project Explorer, right-click on Targets then select New / New Target.

  • Enter a name and the specific IP address for the target.

  • Now click Ping to ensure that the target is available. If not, please contact your network administrator or follow the instructions on this page:

Otherwise, simply click Finish and your target will appear in the Project Explorer.

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