CanDB Management User Interface

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CanDB Management User Interface

User Interface


This User Interface allows easy access to the information found in a CanDB file. The network data organization can easily be visualized with the help of a tree view which is also used to select the messages that are to be generated as Matlab/SIMULINK blocks.

This panel is divided into various parts:

CanDB file selection

Browse and select the target CanDB file
CanDB configuration viewer/selecterGroups all the elements related to the manipulation and browsing of the CanDB file content
Browse CanDB dataBrowse the selected CanDB file content represented as a tree
Selected CanDB messagesList the selected CanDB messages that are to be generated as Matlab/SIMULINK blocks
Message generation modeSelect the generation mode for the global generation process

Once the user clicks on the Configure button of the OpCanAc2 CanDB PCI Ctrl this management panel is launched. If a CanDB file has previously been opened for the currentOpCanAc2 CanDB PCI Ctrl block, this file is automatically opened. The user can easily choose and open any valid CanDB file.

CanDB File Selection

This section corresponds to the selection of the CanDB file that is to be loaded.

CanDB Configuration Viewer/Selector

This section groups all the elements that aim at the representation and selection of the CanDB file content and messages.

Browse CanDB Data

This section allows easy access to the internal data found in a CanDB file.

Not all CanDB data is imported, only the following elements can be seen:

  • Network name,
  • Node list for the current network,
  • Message list for every network,
  • Signal list for every network. And for every signal:


offset value,

scaling value,

size in bits,

bit packing,

For each node, the list of associated messages is listed. This list contains the messages that are to be sent by the associated node along with the list of messages that are defined to be received by this node.

Some messages might not be attached to any node. They are listed in a virtual node named Unattached_Messages.

An important element is that two view modes exist. One can easily switch between one and the other with the View type selection box. Here is the description of the related behavior for each mode:

Network/ECU based

This mode corresponds to a classical tree representation of the CanDB file. Every tree node is a representative element of the database.
Message ID BasedThis mode lists all the messages for a given network by ID. There is no consideration for which node a message is associated with. In this mode, one can easily add and select the blocks to be generated on a message by message basis.

In order to request the generation of a message (send or received) one can:

drag and drop the message or attached node to the Selected CanDB messages list window. This behavior allows one message or a batch of messages to be added easily, right click on the selected message or node and choose the appropriate action,

Selected CanDB Messages

This section contains the list of the messages that are to be generated as Matlab/SIMULINK blocks. Each message is displayed as a list of signals.

Message Generation Mode

This section gives the user control on the generation mode of the selected messages. Depending on the situation and on the ECU development phase(simulation or test), the messages that are to be generated can be generated as send blocks or as receive blocks.

When the ECU is to be simulated, the behavior is normal. When the ECU is to be tested, every send message (Tx) is generated as a received (Rx) message.


None available.


There are no notes available.

See Description for information.

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