Small Distribution Grid with Multiple Fault Test Capability

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Small Distribution Grid with Multiple Fault Test Capability

This model is a small distribution grid used to test faults and possibly relays. It is a fully lumped network with many fault insertions. SSN is notably useful in this model because it puts switches in different SSN groups without memory overflow and allows HIL simulation.

  Fig.1 Node reduction feature of SSN compared to EMTP

The model features blocks from the ARTEMiS fault library which allow the model to be compiled only once; fault location and activation is then selected during the real-time simulation from the opElectricFaultSelector block.

opPOWFaultControlthe main block to generate synchronized faults and acquisition trigger with Point-on-Wave (POW)
opElectricFaultThis is an SPS breaker block where fault capability is enabled from the RT-LAB Console using the opElectricFaultSelector
opElectricFaultSelectorBlock that is used to select fault location, fault period and POW parameters during real-time simulation


The model OpElectricFaultSelector (in SC_Console) is set to activate a 3-phase to ground fault at location ID=1 (OpElectricFault block near the GENERATOR_0 source in SM_grid). OpElectricFaultSelector also set the fault to be POW-synchronized on GENERATOR_0, sync on the rising edge of A-phase voltage (in opPOWFaultControl). The period of the fault (set in OpElectricFaultSelector) is 10 seconds.

Note: ssn_distributiongrid_A1 is a version with pi-lines. ssn_distributiongrid_A2 is a version with mutual inductance.


This model is featured in the following transaction paper: C. Dufour, J. Mahseredjian, J. Belanger, "A Combined State-Space Nodal Method for the Simulation of Power System Transients", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 26, no. 2, April 2011 (ISSN 0885-8977), pp. 928-935

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