IEEE 10 Generator 39 Bus Model

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IEEE 10 Generator 39 Bus Model

This is the IEEE 39 bus, 10 generator model, adapted for EMT studied

Bergeron lines are used in the model with length computed to make travelling wave speed just below the speed of light. This decouples the complete systems in 3 separate systems of equations.

This model is under development and is provided for research purposes.


This model originates from MATLAB Central and was initially designed by IREQ.

Model notes by Opal-RT

Model modification and notes:

  • SSN Machine model used with unused dampers set to high impedance.
  • SSN Machine parameter taken from EMTP-RV 3.3 demo: IEEE39Bus_V1.ecf
  • Machines parameter from EMTP-RV located in IEEE39Bus_V1_machines.html
  • No controller present in this model: all machines run at 60 Hz with initial angles of the machine taken from EMTP-RV demo.
  • SPS load flow not functional with SSN machines as of R2015a.
  • DPL line estimation by C. Dufour, Opal-RT Technologies

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