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Voltage Protection (Three-phase)
Page Content
This block is used to detect abnormal conditions in the grid’s voltage. For this purpose, a set of regions can be specified by the user as specified in [1]. A maximum of 8 different regions can be specified for over and under voltage events, respectively. Also, this block can identify the power injection mode in each of the regions (mandatory operation, momentary cessation, or cease to energize). This power injection mode is defined in the Voltage Ride-Through (VRT) Mode output.
Mask and Parameters
Configuration Tab
Name | Description | Unit |
Sample Time (s) | Computational time step | s |
Over-Voltage Range
Name | Description | Unit |
Number of Over-Voltage Points | Number of over-voltage regions delimited by a set of voltage points | - |
Voltage Points [Point1,…, Point 8] | Low-limit voltage values before reaching the respective over-voltage trip region | pu |
Time Points [Point1,…, Point 8] | Amount of time that the converter must operate in a voltage region before tripping | s |
Operating Mode | Specifies the power injection mode in the VRT Mode output. 1: Mandatory Operation, 2: Momentary Operation, 3: Cease to Energize | - |
Under-Voltage Range
Name | Description | Unit |
Number of Over-Voltage Points | Number of over-voltage regions delimited by a set of voltage points | - |
Voltage Points (pu) [Point1,…, Point 8] | Low-limit voltage values before reaching the respective over-voltage trip region | pu |
Time Points [Point1,…, Point 8] | Amount of time that the converter must operate in a voltage region before tripping | s |
Operating Mode | Specifies the power injection mode in the VRT Mode output. 1: Mandatory Operation, 2: Momentary Operation, 3: Cease to Energize | - |