Reconfigurable Breakers in a Model with Multiple Configurations

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Reconfigurable Breakers in a Model with Multiple Configurations

The real-time simulation of models with a very high number of breakers can be challenging. Even SSN may sometimes not be able to handle correctly cases with more than 100 switches typically; limiting the number of switches under 9 to 12 in each SSN groups may lead to a very high number of SSN nodes and poor performances.

In many cases, however, it is not required to operate all the breakers in a single test. Using the Reconfigurable Breakers block, one can connect many more than 9-12 switches/breaker blocks per SSN groups as long as it activates only 9 to 12 >per test case<. This approach is useful to avoid maintaining several model variant for each test case.

The Reconfigurable Breaker blocks are configured with the script ConfigureSSNSwitches.m. We take ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers for example.

Step 1: get the list of Activable Breakers (this list can be made manually also)

>> cfbrk=ConfigureSSNSwitches(bdroot,1) or cfbrk=ConfigureSSNSwitches('ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers',1)

cfbrk =

'ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers/Reconfigurable breaker'

'ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers/Reconfigurable breaker(close)'

'ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers/Reconfigurable breaker(open)'


Step 2: set desired configuration of Activable Breakers

'dy' for real breakers, 'on' for ON resistance, 'off' for OFF resistance


>> conf={'dy','on','off'}


>> ConfigureSSNSwitches(bdroot,2,cfbrk,conf) or ConfigureSSNSwitches('ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers',2,cfbrk,conf)


Note 1: in some topology, the NIB type (I-type/V-type) may have to be modified.

For example, if both 150MVA and 10 MW loads are opened, the only remaining series RLC load will require a V-type port.

Note 2: cfbrk=ConfigureSSNSwitches(bdroot,1) may re-order the blocks following any change in the model; this is a Simulink behavior.

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