
Documentation Home Page Cell Monitoring Device Emulation Add-On for NI VeriStand Home page
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To deploy a VeriStand project with the CMDE Add-On, a valid deployment license must be installed on the development machine. A deployment license can be tied to one or more NI targets, identified by the MAC address of their primary network adapters (NIC). The CMDE Add-On can only be executed on the targets added to the deployment license. A license may also limit the maximum number of enabled Devices in a simulation.

Follow the steps below to request and install a deployment license. 

Requesting a License

Submit a license request using the OPAL-RT Support Portal Include the following information in the request:

  • Your OPAL-RT Project Number

  • The MAC Address of the primary Ethernet adapter of the Real Time target

  • A message specifying that the license will be for use with the OPAL-RT CMDE Add-On for NI VeriStand.

The MAC Address can be obtained by connecting to the Real Time target in the NI Measurements & Automation Explorer (NI MAX).  Be sure to use the address from the eth0 (Primary) section.

Use NI MAX to gather target information for a license request.

Installing a License

  • Create a VeriStand project and add the CMDE Add-On.

  • In the System Definition tree, navigate to Custom Devices >> CMDE Add-On and click Add License in the ribbon menu.

  • Browse for the license file (.bin) in the dialog window.

  • Click OK.

  • Repeat this process on all development machines that will be used to connect to the Real Time target.


License CMDE.PNG
Installing a license file.


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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