DFIM - Exercises

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DFIM - Exercises

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After completing the following series of exercises, the student will understand the design of controllers for a doubly fed induction machine.
Real-time simulation results are shown in the laboratory panel.

Subsynchronous mode

  • Load the model with the default settings.
  • Apply an input torque of 0.2 p.u., then a reference speed of 240 rpm.
    • Does the measured torque follow the input torque?
    • Does the measured speed follow the reference speed?
      Hint: Look at waveforms under DFIM Control and Triggering Scopes to answer the questions above.
  • Increase the input torque to 0.4 p.u.
    • How does the increase in input torque impact the rotor and stator currents?
      Explain your observation.
    • Does the measured torque follow the input torque?

Synchronous mode

  • Set the input torque to zero.
  • Set the reference speed to its nominal value of 277 rpm.
    • Does the measured speed follow the reference speed?
      Show your result.
  • Increase the input torque to 0.2 p.u.
    • Observe the waveforms of rotor currents and explain their non-sinusoidal shapes.
    • Does the measured torque follow the input torque?
      Show your result.

Hypersynchronous mode

  • Set the input torque to zero.
    • What do you expect as values for rotor currents?
  • Set the reference speed to 280 rpm.
    • Does the measured torque follow the input torque?
    • Does the measured speed follow the reference speed?
  • Increase the input torque to 0.5 p.u., then the reference speed to 304 rpm.
    • Show that the torque and speed controllers are working properly.
    • Show the current controllers for Id and Iq are working properly.
      Hint: Showing the waveforms is enough as a solution.
  • Increase the reference current Id to 0.2 p.u.
    • Does the measured current Id follow the reference?
      Show your result.
    • Waveforms 1: Save the waveforms of rotor and stator currents, via a screenshot, for example.
  • Increase the reference current Id to 0.4 p.u.
    • Waveforms 2: Save the waveforms of rotor and stator currents.
    • How does the increase in current Id impact the rotor and stator currents.
      Hint: Analyze the results of Waveforms 1 and 2.

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