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This page explains the Scripting Feature

  • For technical information about the Python API capabilities, refer to the documentation: [Py] Class reference

  • For useful script examples to get started, refer to the documentation: [Py] Usage

Scripting Feature Overview

Scripts serve as powerful tools within Dashboards, providing users with the capability to leverage Python scripts directly within the platform. Dashboards offer a Python API and a dedicated environment for executing Python scripts seamlessly.

The Scripts Panel is accessible in the Navigation pane, and is composed of the Script list, the Script Editor, and the Logs.


Adding a new script

To add a new script, click on the plus.png button of the Script list.

The generated template script will show you how to access the current project, which is the entry point of the API. For more information about the Python API capabilities, refer to the documentation: [Py] Class reference

Editing a script

You may edit a script in Dashboards directly, or in an external environment.

Autosave: When editing your scripts from Dashboards, your changes will be saved automatically.

Running a script

To run a script, you may either:

  • Click on the image-20240409-153636.png button in the Script list.

  • Click on the Run Script button image-20240409-153606.png in the Script editor.

Logs: The logs displayed in the Logs pane are contextualized for the selected Script in the Script list. Only the most recent Log of each Script is saved.



Triggering a script from a Button widget

In a panel, the Button widget can be used to trigger a script. Once in operate mode, the script will run on button press whether the simulation is running or not.

While many scripts may be ran at once, only one instance of the same script can run at the same time.

When multiple script run simultaneously, the order of execution is not guaranteed and may lead to conflict.



Script Execution:

  • Only one instance of the same script may be in execution at a time.

  • Editing a script while the script is running is not supported.

Script Restrictions:

  • Imports of user-defined scripts are not supported.

  • Third-party Python packages are not allowed.

  • Python construct if name == main is not supported when the script is run from Dashboards environment.


  • Certain built-in Python functions, such as input(), cannot be used, because there is no console in Dashboards environment.

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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