Menus and Navigation Pane

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Menus and Navigation Pane

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Top Bar

File Menu

The “File” menu contains the "Preferences" options. These preferences are persistent on a given desktop, meaning that your settings will not be lost when you re-open the application.

The “File” menu

View Menu

The “View” menu contains four options:

All the configured “View” options are persistants when you’ll reopen the Dashboards application.

The “View” menu

File Manager

The File Manager displays all files accessible within the current project.

Using the context menu in this table, each file can be replaced by a new file. This will replace every occurrence of the file in the project. 

The location determines the file visibility. The file is accessible either from the current project, or the whole workspace. Shared files cannot be deleted or replaced.

Help Menu

The “Help” menu contains four options: “About”, "Documentation", "Retake Tour', "Shortcuts", "Give Feedback", "Contact OPAL-RT Support" and “License”.

Navigation Pane

The navigation pane is the region on the left of the application containing the models and boards.

The Navigation pane


The Project section currently contains the Connections table, which displays all connections in the project. See 5. Connecting Data Points section.


The Interfaces section contains IO Interface tables. See 7. Interfaces for more.


The Models section contains the RT-LAB or HYPERSIM models. This view displays all of the model’s data points in a table.

See 2. Data Point Tables


The Boards section contains the Table and Panel boards.

The Table board is a custom table that groups data points of interest. See 2. Data Point Tables

The Panel board is a custom control panel that displays an interactive widget diagram. See 3. Panels, Diagrams and Widgets

Creation of a new Panel

Boards can be reordered by dragging and dropping them into the desired placement within the Boards list. They can also be moved into a Group board.

Boards can be added directly in a group either by using the context menu or by dragging and dropping. Note that boards cannot have identical names within a given group.

Drag & drop a panel

Context Menu

In the navigation pane, the context menu provides the options to pop out, share, rename or delete boards or models.

A panel context menu

The “Pop Out” option opens a new window view of the selected item. When opening the same board in multiple windows, changes made in one window will be immediately reflected in the other. However, note that a few features are set individually by window, such as the Edit/Operate modes and theme changes.

The “Rename” and “Delete” options are self-explanatory. If a group is deleted, all items in the group will be deleted.

The “Export” option opens a File dialog in order to select a folder and exports the selected panel to the chosen location. The exported panel can be shared and reused by using “Import” option. See https://opal-rt.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DASH/pages/edit-v2/18579740#Export%2FImport-a-panel for more information.

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