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Example of a Panel in Dashboards

The Dashboards application allows the creation of easy-to-navigate tables of parameters and signals, as well as the creation of panels to display and control widgets.

For advanced users, a Python API is also available. See Using Python API for Dashboards.









Quick Start

How to install

Dashboards is automatically installed along with RT-LAB and HYPERSIM.

Requirements are described in https://opal-rt.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DASH/pages/1033371997/Installation+Requirements?atl_f=content-tree.

Creating a table

  1. Create a Table board from the Navigation Pane. See Menus and Navigation Pane.

  2. Go to your model’s table and select data points to be added to your board. See Data Point Tables.

  3. Use the context menu or drag and drop the data points into the board.

  4. Go to your Table board – it should now contain all of your data points of interest.

Creating a panel

  1. Create a Panel board from the Navigation Pane. See Menus and Navigation Pane.

  2. In the Panel, add widgets to the diagram. See Panels, Diagrams and Widgets

  3. For the complete list of widgets, see Widgets Library.

  4. Use the data point picker to connect your widgets to other data points. See Connecting Data Points.


  1. Go in Windows → Setting → Apps & features or use the path of the location of uninstall.exe is C:\OPAL-RT\OpalOne\<versionToUninstall>.

  2. Open the uninstaller and select the components to uninstall.

  3. If more than one version of Opal One is installed on your computer, the Opal One Services, Opal One Database and Application Server components cannot be uninstalled.

  4. The uninstall option for the Opal One Services, Opal One Database and Application Server components will be available when uninstalling the last version of Opal One.

  5. An additional option allows suppression of all stored data on your computer. If selected, this suppression cannot be undone by reinstalling the Opal One software.



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