Example | Sub-synchronous Resonance IEEE 2

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Example | Sub-synchronous Resonance IEEE 2


This example model can be found in the software under the category "Conventional Generation" with the file name "Subsynchronous_Resonance_IEEE_2.ecf".


The Subsynchronous Resonance IEEE 2 model is developed in HYPERSIM based on the IEEE Transactions on PAS. Second Benchmark Model for Computer Simulation of Subsynchronous Resonance

A multi-mass synchronous machine is connected to a series-compensated network. The shaft system is critically damped.

During network disturbances, natural frequencies of the shaft are excited, generating shaft oscillations that lead to severe damage of shaft and turbine material.

The mass damping of mass #1 is 1.408. It has been increased to reach steady-state. Replace it prior to applying the fault.

System #1,
Case #1A is reproduced. Exciter mass is included in generator mass.

The steam turbine, for efficiency reasons, is built with many pressure stages: Exiter mass#1; Generator mass #2; Trbine LP mass #3; Exciter HP mass #4

The theoritical oscillation modes of the shaft are obtained by the calculation of eigenvalues of the shaft system matrix.

Simulation and Results



See Also

Synchronous Machine (pu Standard)TGOV1SCRXPSS1APSS4B

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