Example | HVAC 230kV 9Bus IEEE

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Example | HVAC 230kV 9Bus IEEE


This example model can be found in the software under the category "Benchmarks" with the file name "HVAC_230kV_9Bus_IEEE.ecf".


The HVAC 230kV 9Bus IEEE model consists of a modified version of the well-known Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) 9 bus test case as presented in [1]. The IEEE 9-bus modified test system consists of 3 synchronous machines with IEEE type-1 exciters. This benchmark model contains three synchronous machines with built-in voltage and speed regulators, three two-winding transformers, six constant parameters lines, and three loads. This model works at four voltage levels 15.5 kV, 18 kV, 24kV, and 230 kV and the total load demand is 315 MW and 115 MVA [2,3].  For this example, one three-phase fault is considered on Bus 4. The fault times can be modified as required by the user, and new faults can also be added on other buses.

All the machines of the generation system are controlled by internal exciters, governors (speed regulators), and stabilizers. The user can change this configuration by double-clicking on the machine subsystem and changing the values in the mask. The following is a snapshot of the machine configuration:


Figure 1: Synchronous machine configuration settings

Simulation and Results

As part of the example model setup, the user can perform two types of scenarios, each scenario has a template in ScopeView to display the signals.

Scenario 1: Model running without events

The first scenario consists of the IEEE 9 Bus model running without any type of failure or event. The following are the results from ScopeView.

Figure 2: Voltages in PU of the buses of the IEEE-9 model

Figure 3: Three-phase bus voltages of the IEEE-9 model

Figure 4: Active and reactive power in the lines of the IEEE-9 model

Figure 5: Active and reactive power generated by synchronous machines

Scenario 2: Three-phase fault on Bus 4

The second scenario is about introducing a three-phase fault on Bus 4 at 0.05s by 0.02s. The user can change these settings by going into the fault subsystem and changing the values of T1 and T2, configuring the fault activation and clear times, respectively.

The following is a snapshot of fault settings:

Figure 6: Fault configuration settings

The following are the results from ScopeView following the three-phase fault on Bus 4.

Figure 7: Three-phase voltage on the buses of the IEEE-9 model with a three-phase to-ground fault at Bus 4.

Figure 8: Three-phase currents in the lines of the IEEE-9 model with a three-phase to-ground fault at Bus 4.

Figure 9: Machines terminal voltages and frequency with a three-phase to ground fault at Bus 4.


[1] KIOS Centre for Intelligent Systems & Networks. 2013. IEEE 9-bus modified test system. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/testsystems/index.php/dynamic-ieee-testsystems/ieee-9-bus-modified-test-system.
[2] Harrys Kon. 2016. WSCC 9-Bus System. [ONLINE] Available at: https://harryskon.com/2016/02/28/wscc-9-bus-system/.
[3] Manitoba HVDC Research Center. 2015. IEEE Test Systems. [ONLINE] Available at: http://forum.hvdc.ca/1598644/IEEE-Test-Systems

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