TestView | Data Architecture
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TestView | Data Architecture
TestView has a specific architecture to organize its files in its project directories. This section presents the organization of the data architecture and describes the contents of the main files. The root directory of a typical test folder (after a test sequence is run) is presented in the figure below.
Data, HypProc_X and TableOut_X Folders
- Those folders are created as the test is running. Their content varies depending on the commands in the script and the options selected. The data, HypProc_X and TableOut_X folders are deleted every time a test is unlocked. The loop numbering of the sub-folders depends on the ‘operation’ option of the loops. "X" corresponds to the number in the name of the command.
- The [NameOfTest]-[loop number] subfolders contains the .cfg and .dat format (COMTRADE files) of the data from the Processing command. These files will not be generated if the ‘save none’ option is selected in the ‘saving mode’ tab of the Processing command.
- The [NameOfTest] .csv document includes the results from the post-processing. It is also generated even without post-processing. However, in this case, it contains only the list of the [NameOfTest]-[loop number].
- The [NameOfTest]_seq .csv document includes generic information related to each loop done during the test. It includes information such as: Start date, end date, name, description, directory, etc.
- HypProc_X contains the generated PDF by the HYPERSIM Processing command. TableOut_X contains the .csv document requested in the TableOut command. If the ‘Append’ mode is selected and if the .csv file is not open during the test, only one file will be created/edited. Else multiple files will be created during the test sequence, one for each test.
Other files in root directory
- [NameOfTest].log contains the information shown in the TestView console during the execution of the test. It is overwritten every time a test is executed. It can also be accessed by right-clicking on the name of the test in the project explorer of the TestView GUI.
- The notebook contains all the start and end dates of every executions as well as errors, if there were any. The pre-setting and post-setting files are created by the user to display information before or after a test. The noteBook, preSetting and postSetting files can be accessed by right-clicking on the name of the test in the project explorer of the TestView GUI.
- The four XML files contain all the information to populate the fields of the commands. The [NameOfTest].xml file contains the whole test sequence and refers to the other XML files.
- The HypProc_X_exp.list contains the list of the selected signals in the Processing command. This list is used by the post-processing tab to fill the available choices of signals for post-processing. It is similar to the signal key for the processing tab.
- Finally, the [NameOfTest].tst file includes various other information related to the execution of the test. For instance, it logs the ‘isLock’ and ‘isExecuted’ variables and it also contains the hierarchy of the loops.
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