Examples | EMTP IEEE 39Bus Benchmark

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Examples | EMTP IEEE 39Bus Benchmark


This example model can be found in the software under the EMTP Compatibility > EMTP_IEEE_39Bus.ecf


This example is another model which shows the EMTP Network Compatibility between EMTP and HYPERSIM. The model is a 345-kV system of 39 buses that includes 10 synchronous machines, 3-phase loads, two-winding and three-winding transformers. A three-phase fault is applied at "LoadBus" at Bus 16 from 0.5 to 0.7s.  Thus, a switch in series with a resistance is added in the model to simulate the fault.

 Buses 6, 16 and Load 16 are marked as red in the following figure.

The following figures shows the sub circuit in the power plant 01 and the sub circuit of the control system of the synchronous machine. It is mentioned that the same control system is used in all the power plants.

EMTP Network Compatibility

The EMTP Network compatibility consists of editing/simulating a circuit in HYPERSIM which was originally developed on EMTP. EMTP and HYPERSIM share the same user interface and network data format (*.ecf); thus, an EMTP model can be loaded in HYPERSIM.

This example model is an example which has been created in EMTP and is now opened in HYPERSIM. By applying a few changes to the components, the simulation can be run. More information about the EMTP Network Compatibility can be found here: EMTP Network Compatibility

The general workflow of making sure any model is compatible with HYPERSIM is mentioned on this page: EMTP | Overview.

The model in HYPERSIM is ready to be tested but more information about the changes were made to it from EMTP to make it compatible with HYPERSIM according to the workflow are shown on this page: EMTP | Example Models

Note that in EMTP the transmission line type model can be switch from CP to FD line models by changing the variable "oGlobalData.Linetype" as indicated in the text box shown in the model. Since this text exist in the EMTP model it is not removed when the model is imported to HYPERSIM. The global variable exists in EMTP to include/exclude FD or CP; however, this feature is not supported in HYPERSIM. The example model in HYPERSIM is configured to work with CP models. However, the user can change the CP line models to FD models if needed. More details on how to do it are given in EMTP | Example Models.

Simulation and Results

Settings prior to running the simulation

Users need to make sure the following settings for different components are according to the following pictures:

NOTE: The reasons behind values set for each block are mentioned more comprehensively in EMTP | Example Models, on the section IEEE 39 Bus Benchmark.

POW Block

The POW is connected to the slack bus which is Bus 6 as shown in the picture.

The following picture shows the detection level of the block which is 275 kV.

Circuit Breaker CB2

This circuit breaker is located inside Load 16.

The CB2 settings need to be according to the following picture. T1 should be 0.5 seconds and T2 should be 0.7 seconds.

BUS 6 Voltage for Load Flow

For this model, the load flow needs to execute and for that, the bus voltages need to be set. The next picture shows the bus voltage settings for BUS 6 which is the slack bus and the voltage has to be 345 kV. Users need to make sure the voltage is set correctly in the model.

Simulation Settings

The Simulation settings are shown in the following picture. Users need to make sure the option to execute load flow upon running the simulation is turned on and the time step is 20 us.

ScopeView Results

Users can run the simulation at the time step of 20 us and open the ScopeView Template "EMTP_IEEE_39Bus.svt". 

The ScopeView template superimposes the results from the HYPERSIM model and reference data from the EMTP model. But when the template is opened for the first time, users need to replace the reference data as the data source. 

Like it is shown in the following picture, just choose the Data Source next to the data from MAT1 and click on Replace.

Note: Usually the data from EMTP is in the .m and .mda format but for this example model, it is represented by the .mat file.

Then, according to the picture below, find the reference data in the example model folder. The Files of type option needs to be set to MAT files to show the reference (*.mat) file. The reference data is called "EMTP_IEEE_39Bus.mat".

After doing so, you can now start the simulation in ScopeView and see the results, make sure Sync and Trig are on in ScopeView.

In the test shown in this example, a three-phase fault is applied at bus "LoadBus" located inside the load 16 block, from 0.5 s to 0.7 s, as mentioned before. The system is initialized from the load flow solution in both EMTP and HYPERSIM. The following figures show the simulation results obtained in both EMTP and HYPERSIM using a simulation time of 20 us. It is observed that EMTP and HYPERSIM results match very well.

Voltage waveforms at buses 6 (POW bus) and 16 (fault bus), and the fault current waveform during the fault.

Output results of the 10 machines. Similar results have been observed on the other machines. The pictures below show the results for Synchronous Machines (SM) in ScopeView.


See Also

EMTP Network Compatibility

EMTP | Overview

EMTP | Example Models

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