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Quick Start | TestView

See also: TestView

Summary of Tutorial

This tutorial goes through the basic steps on how to start with TestView. It uses an example model from HYPERSIM. This tutorial uses HYPERSIM 6.2.2. For more advanced tutorials, please refer to the examples here.

Step 1: HYPERSIM Start-Up

  • Launch HYPERSIM.
  • In File > Options, there is the Open an Example File section. Select any example model. In this tutorial, the model HVAC_500kV_6BUS is used (in Transmission & Distribution).
  • Click Open Example and select a directory of your choice. In this case, a new folder was created in ‘C:\Users\username\Documents\HYPERSIM\’.

Example Model Used for the Tutorial

  • Either keep the default settings or select the desired settings in the HYPERSIM tab -> Simulation Settings section. Please refer to the HYPERSIM Ribbon Options if help is required for that step.
  • Load the sensors (.sig) file available in the model directory.

  • Start and then stop the simulation. Do not skip this step. It is important for step 4.

Step 2: TestView Start-Up

To launch TestView, go in the HYPERSIM tab, then click the TestView button.

TestView Start-Up

TestView opens.

TestView GUI

Step 3: Project Architecture

To run a basic script, the first step is to create a new project, a new study, and a new test.

To create a new project, go to File > New Project... and enter a name for the new project. Press Apply.

It is recommended to keep the default directory.

New Project Dialog Box

Then, to create a new study, right-click on the project icon on the left of the TestView Windows and select New Study… There can be several studies in one project and each study can have several tests.

Type a name for the study and press Apply.

New Study Option

Then, to create a new test, right-click the study icon in the Project tree and Select New Test… Type the name of the test, press Apply.

Optionally, you can add a description to the test. It is recommended to always group tests within a study even though it is possible to not have any studies.

New Test Second Dialog Box

TestView now looks like the figure below.

TestView Dialog Box After Creating New Example Test

Step 4: Basic Test

This basic test only connects to the model, which is the starting point to develop more complex tests. More examples are available in the here. More details about the commands being used are available in the Commands Available for Tests section.

The first step to add to any test is called ‘HYPERSIM Test’. Add it to the Test by clicking on it in the ‘Palette’ tab.

Note: all commands are added through a single or double click, not through drag & drop.

Adding HYPERSIM Test Block to a Script

This dialog box appears. Do not modify the default values if using a version prior to HYPERSIM 6.2. Simply press ‘Apply’.

HYPERSIM Test Dialog Box

The second mandatory step to add to any test is the HYPERSIM Settings command. To add it, start by selecting the HyperWorks Test row in the test part.

Note: commands are always added right below the selected step in the script section.

Note: If no step is selected, the following error appears when trying to add any other commands.

Error Message when No Block is Selected Prior to Adding a New One

Once the HyperWorks Test command is selected in the Test script, double-click the HYPERSIM Settings command in the Palette tab.

More details are given regarding this command in the Commands Available for Tests section. For now, simply press on the IMPORT HYPERSIM (network and sensors) button, then on the Load Preferences from HYPERSIM button.

If the model was run on the target (in step 1), the preferences should be properly defined. Press Apply to close the dialog box and to add the command to the test sequence.

Go to the runner tab, make sure the option ‘current test only is selected’ and press play (the arrow sign).

Running a Test

The last step is to observe the console output (stdout) which should look like the following:

Console Output After the Execution of the Basic Test

To run the test again, simply press the play button in the runner tab. A new prompt appears asking your permission to unlock the test. The lock/unlock principle is to maintain data integrity, that is, as soon as a test finishes, it will lock the data to prevent unwanted overwrites. The data cannot be overwritten by another run of the test unless the test is unlocked by the user (or the auto-unlock option is enabled in the Runner tab).

This basic test simply starts the simulation then stops it. It is the starting point for any test to be run with TestView. Please refer to the examples section for complete tests. All the examples start off from this basic example.

TestView does not interact with the original model (from step 1), it makes a copy in the project directory ([Name of Project] \ bank \ hnk\ [Name of Project].ecf).

If you close HYPERSIM completely, it is recommended to re-open the copy and re-run it before re-opening TestView. Furthermore, if you make modifications to the original model, it will not be seen by TestView as it only interacts with the copy in the TestView project directory. Therefore, if modifications need to be made, it is possible to make them directly on the copy or if you modify the original model, then delete the copy (thus forcing TestView to make another copy). This is meant to insure test reproducibility and prevent unwanted overwrites.

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