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Full-Bridge Converter (Switching Devices)
The Full-Bridge Converter (Switching Devices) component is a single-phase power converter model developed from IGBT and diode elements. The converter is modeled with GTO/diode pairs controlled by firing pulses produced by a PWM generator. Normally used with time steps of 100 to 200 times smaller than the period of the carrier of the PWM generator, this component provides precise off-line simulation results.
NOTE: In order to obtain accurate results, the option Activate iterative method in Simulation Settings must be selected when using this component.
Mask and Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Unit | Variable = {Possible Values} |
Description | Use this field to add all kinds of information about the component | Description = {'string'} | |
Diode on-state resistance | Internal resistance of the internal GTO/diodes | Ohm | Rclose = { [1e-12, 1e12] } |
Diode snubber resistance | Snubber resistance of the internal GTO/diodes | Ohm | Rsnubber = { [1e-12, 1e12] } |
Diode snubber capacitance | Capacitance of the internal GTO/diodes | F | Csnubber = { [1e-12, 1e12] } |
Ports, Inputs, Outputs and Signals Available for Monitoring
Name | Description |
1 | Network connector on the AC side (supports only 1-phase connections) |
2 | Network connector on the AC side (supports only 1-phase connections) |
DCplus | Network connector on the DC side. The sign + indicates the positive side (supports only 1-phase connections) |
DCminus | Network connector on the DC side. The sign - indicates the negative side (supports only 1-phase connections) |
Name | Description |
P | Vectorized signal containing four firing pulses to control the converter |
Name | Description |
V | Vectorized voltage signal containing voltage on the AC side (Vac) and from the DC link (Vdc). |
I | Vectorized current signal containing current on the AC side (Iac) and from the DC link (Idc). |
Name | Description | Unit |
P1 | Signal containing a firing pulse to control Q1. | |
P2 | Signal containing a firing pulse to control Q2. | |
P3 | Signal containing a firing pulse to control Q3. | |
P4 | Signal containing a firing pulse to control Q4. | |
Vac | Voltage signal on the AC side of the converter. | V |
Vdc | Voltage signal on the DC side of the converter. | V |
Iac | Current signal from the AC side. | A |
Idc | Current signal from the DC side. | A |
Additional Information
The converter is modeled by 4 IGBTs/diodes controlled by firing pulses produced by a PWM generator.
The figure below shows the internal circuit of the converter that can be accessed by opening the subcircuit.
The PWM generator outputs a vectorized gating signal to control the converter. The gating signal contains 4 firing pulses. The first pulse controls the Q1 switching device, the second pulse controls the Q2 switching device, pulses three and four control the Q3 and Q4 switching devices respectively.
This model must be used with the PWM Generator For Full-Bridge Converter (Switching Devices) available in the Control Sources library of HYPERSIM or with an input FPGA module (contact our technical support for an example).
This model does not participate in the load flow solution.
MathWorks, Full-Bridge Converter
M. H. Rashid, Power electronics handbook, 4th ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017
See Also
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323