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Demystifying eHS Latency
This page attempts to inform the user of the latency involved in a firmware containing eHS and Motor, from the perspective of an arriving Digital Input and ending at a consequent analog output being available at the driving DAC.
It will detail eHS latency between a gate pulse and consequent output occurrence in AOMR.
Dual PMSM VDQ was used for this experiment. Different Motors will have different Ts_Motor.
DIN - eHS - AOMR Latency
Variable Delay eHS can be explained by:
When the DIN transition takes place, eHS may already be in a computation step. Maximum Delay Value = Ts_eHS
When AOMR sync takes place, eHS may not have computed new outputs based on a DIN transition. Maximum Delay Value = AOMR Sync Period
Timing Diagrams to understand Variable Delay eHS:
This section is a pictorial representation of the timing analysis of different signals. Some optimization delay clock ticks have been omitted for situation clarity.
Please bear in mind that the “0” Data span is not according to timescale and multiple “Data” words for eHS_OUT can be present.
General Situation
Min Latency Situation
eHS begins a new computation step 2 clock ticks after the DIN transition. Hence, it registers the transition already.
After 2*Ts_eHS, data corresponding to the DIN transition is available.
AOMR syncs one clock cycle before the “Last” word of eHS_OUT Data packet.
Max Latency Situation
eHS begins its computation step in the same clock cycle as the DIN transition.
We need to wait an extra Ts_eHS for the transition to be registered.
AOMR syncs just before the end of the third eHS_OUT data packet. This means it takes data from the second eHS_OUT Data packet, but the DIN transition data is available in the third packet.
A waiting period of AOMR sync period is needed for the next AOMR Sync, for the third data packet to be available at the Analog Output.
DIN - eHS - Motor - AOMR Latency
Variable Delay Motor can be explained by:
When the DIN transition takes place, eHS may already be in a computation step. Maximum Delay Value = Ts_eHS
When eHS Data due to DIN transition is available, Motor Solver might already be in a computation step. Maximum Delay Value = Ts_Motor
When AOMR sync takes place, Motor may not have computed new outputs based on the eHS Data. Maximum Delay Value = AOMR Sync Period