OP5650XG Rear Connectors
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OP5650XG Rear Connectors
A | DB37F I/O connectors (see OP5650XG IO Connectors for more details). |
B | Ground Screw. The OP5650XG may be subjected to EMI when it is installed in proximity to other devices. Make sure to connect the OP5650XG ground to the rack to prevent any EMI related damage to the simulator. See OP5650XG Installation and Configuration. |
C | Power connector and Power On/Off switch |
D | Power reset and 5/12V power source connector for test purposes:
E | Optional slots for 2 PCI or 3 PCIe connectors (PCIe only in the lower right slot). |
F | 4 SFP ports (for MuSE or device interconnection) and status LEDs for each channel (LED 0 = channel 0, ):
G |
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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